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Dumbarton Rock

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Everything posted by Dumbarton Rock

  1. I'm a bit pissed off with the comments from a couple of Dumbarton FC posters from yesterday. I don't work for Dumbarton FC so they have no say in what I post, seriously didn't want to cause problems but thought my experience could help you guys out to get to grips with what is happening. I wasn't allowed to post when I was an employee and got pulled up a couple of times for posting as I was getting snitched on by someone who will remain nameless. My point is if the majority don't want me to post I will shut my account down. I certainly wasn't trying to put anyone under a bus as was posted. [emoji2369] Apologies if you think I was ott in my posts.
  2. One good thing from this weekend is we have another new poster that hasn't posted since February who is now back and looking in. Welcome back George. Looking forward to your future posts. [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
  3. Nah I'm out m8, looks like I upset too many people yesterday, better just keep my opinions to myself.
  4. I think if you look back to this mornings posts I only posted to say that I was down with the dog and saw the puddles and nobody was there. If BBPF had posted that nothing would have been said. Comments after that were just me talking from experience but obviously the truth doesn't fit on here for a selected few, who seemed to be attached to the club. It's fine I'll refraine from commenting in future.
  5. I don't get you. I don't give a shit about Clyde supporters, the question was asked early doors about whether the game was in danger. I was out with my dog and as I always do I have a wee look in to see how it looks. Sorry for being a concerned ex employee. I put my heart and soul into that pitch over the last 7 years on and off. If I was a disgruntled employee I could fill sons sorrow with a hell of a lot of shit that supporters don't know about. So don't start slagging me pal.
  6. Wait a minute, I am now a guy on the street walking his dog, I do live 500 yds away from the ground. But because I'm an ex part time employee I can't post. Sorry but get real.
  7. If my memory is correct that's the one that was a total disgrace. I walked backed down the Castle Road at 3pm going to the Rock BC and took a detour into the ground and Jim had them training at the side of the pitch, I walked over it and then just held my hands up to him and said wtf. His reply was I know but he had to make a decision. Pitch was 100% playable.
  8. I spoke to Pat Mckinlay at 10.10am after walking round with the dog. All shutters were still down and nobody was present. Don't really want to go down this road but I would have been there at first light with Ally and it would have been cleared before the shutters came up. When you are getting accused of being a disgruntled employee the gloves are off.
  9. Is that what you think I am. Try talking to your new groundsman and ask how many times I've been down to give him advice and I gave him my phone number and told him to call me if he had a problem. You can ask Antonia if that is fact as I told her. Get your facts right before slagging me on social media pal.
  10. Can you please elaborate your last season comment. I look forward to your educated reply and will answer with 100% honesty as I don't give a toss.
  11. I did quote it was my opinion, I wasn't on the pitch to see how bad it was.
  12. I would have had it vertidrained the Sunday after the Dunfermline game and the pitch would been left open until now. 100% there wouldn't have been a drop of water on it this morning.
  13. I would hazard a guess at 2 hours forking with 2 guys doing it first thing this morning, there wouldn't have been a pitch inspection. IMHO.
  14. They normally use a local ref for the inspections and these refs have games of their own to go to. You will probably find it's written down somewhere when the latest time you can have an inspection is and they will holding the club to it.
  15. Stadium was shut and no sign of the groundsman, I'd say he would have to line it again as well as they looked washed out. I was walking the dog then, I would think he would be there working on it by now.
  16. 10.30am, puddles all over it and nobody in. The fact it's windy and dry now might save it. Maybe that's why I always vertidrained it in October. [emoji2369]
  17. Antonia should contact you and will transfer it to your bank account. That's what happened with me.
  18. It looked as if the players were in for a training session. The park wasn't set up on Friday night so I don't think it was a game.
  19. Jim the groundsman will be delighted with that, to be fair to Jim Duffy he did say at the start he would try and get somewhere else to train as soon as he could to save the park. I saw it yesterday and it looks fine, nothing like the way it look in that video.
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