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Posts posted by McG

  1. 13 minutes ago, andylivi1 said:

    Not heard anything, what have you heard ? 

    I did think about Jordan Kirkpatrick as a possible player for us to look at but that’s purely me thinking that, there is no rumours regarding him. 

    Apparently we are 1 of 4 Championship teams to be interested in Conrad Balatoni, but apart from that not heard anything else.   

    Buchanan our centre half, decent player but not going to get much game time for us now I wouldn't think.

  2. 58 minutes ago, betting competition said:

    I don't think it is I think it is the Rangers that is playing a game here to disrupt us and so far its work. I think if Rangers have approached us then we give them a deadline to pay cash by tonight to speak to our manager or they won't be able to speak to Derek McInnes until after the Dundee game.  

    We all know the media is controlled by either Celtic or Rangers fans but the campaign to get McInnes has been disgraceful including those in the bbc who again yesterday gave some more air time to a ex-rangers player - where is the balance? 

    Don't feel sorry for McInnes at all in this situation, he has had chance after chance to put an end to it all by saying he wasn't interested in the rangers job but he didn't and he has let it rumble on, the guy is a snake.

  3. 3 hours ago, Coventry Saint said:

    Right, FFS, can we all just agree that McInnes is happy at Aberdeen and will stay there for ages?

    Said it weeks ago, if McInnes goes to Rangers then Aberdeen will at least want to speak to JR, he has admirers on the dons board.

    Chairman has backed JR and he got an improved deal after knocking back Dundee, hopefully he at least see's the season out with us but if he leaves then I expect Fowler to take over.



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