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Posts posted by McG

  1. 1 hour ago, Coventry Saint said:

    Fuckit, I'd just started to convince myself he wasn't going. :lol:

    I'd be reasonably comfortable with him going if it weren't for the apparent dearth of quality candidates to replace him. Most seem to have Neilson chalked up as number one, but if he falls through, I have no clue where we're turning after that.

    I'm not that fussed on McIntyre, I think it's too soon for Goodwin, I don';t want any of the other usual names that get chucked about... so where does that leave us?

    From what I've heard, Neilsen is nailed on for it, too soon for Goodwin at moment.

  2. 11 hours ago, Demented Zebra said:

    I'm 50 , 50 on that now. Did you watch the press conference? Ross was talking up Scottish football you could clearly see his excitement about the challenge of the premiership and how happy he is with us that interview changed my mind that it's a forgone conclusion. Ipswich budget for next season is 2 million. Ross is a man who wants to take a club forward can that be done with 2 million ? Mate I'm hoping he stays more than anything else before watching that interview was 100% he is away not now. 

    Jack Ross now odds on with skybet, my bet is he will be away by the end of the week. 

    Hope I'm wrong.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

    Awright VT mate? I've not heard much from you recently, as you've completely shat it and failed to materialise in any meaningful threads for the past couple of months. Spineless c**t. Ripping the piss out of Brechin and Raith fans doesn't count. The record will always show that you can dish out the trolling, but have shat it and hid when the tables turn.

    Anyway, we are preparing for life in the top flight while your joke of a club has no manager, a dwindling fanbase and you're failing to offer contracts to your best players who are deserting like rats from a sinking ship. Relegation and part time football surely beckon.

    Discernible upward trajectory, indeed.

    Get it right round ye.

    That is Delicious.


  4. On 25/02/2016 at 02:44, virginton said:

    Bump. The Famous back to where we should be, give or take a few places either way. Comfortably securing our league status in February with the promotion playoffs left to target, two cup quarter-final appearances for the season, Sevco humbled and Hibs absolutely hounded on their own middens.

    Looks like back to back vintage years IMO.




    Thanks for playing anyway champ.

  5. On 23/04/2018 at 18:57, virginton said:

    Hold the ball up to bring midfielders into play; win the ball in the air from crosses or balls from the back; provide a pace threat in behind the opposition defence. If you can do all three then you certainly won't be at this level for long, but Baird offers none of the above. His running about a lot doesn't actually constitutes effective pressing of the opposition either. 

    The best that you can say for Baird is that his finishing and movement in the penalty box has in practice been an upgrade on McHugh. That's not enough to merit a start in such a workmanlike team though and both of them should be binned at the soonest possible opportunity. 


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