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Jimmy Shaker

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Posts posted by Jimmy Shaker

  1. :lol:

    Knew that would get you.

    You should have every bone in your body broken for that. That kind of thing is usually the second step towards a messageboard going down the lavvy.

    The first being the main forum being a repetition of the same factless and stupid arguments over and over and over....

  2. Peterhead and County have not come close to getting where ICT are currently.

    Inverness - Aberdeen = 104 miles

    Inverness - Perth = 113 miles

    Not too far beyond 100 miles really...

    I said all four were more than 100 miles from Inverness. Many thanks for doing the research to prove me correct.

  3. I think the Union flags at Telford Street might have had as much to do with the 'firm' Caley operated during the 80's.

    As for the Heathmount, that was definitely the place we were in last Saturday night. Not entirely sure why, tho. Thistles old ground wasn't that far from there, surely. I remember the 'mount from my youth. :lol:

  4. Can't say I ever heard that and never even considered it might be a case. The story about Kingsmills belonging to a church or something I have heard before, hence it becoming a social housing operation instead of the predicted supermarket I believe.

    In other news, and slightly related, is it true the Heathmount Pub burnt down this week? It was the big white one near to where Kingsmills was.

  5. And while your at it, draw a 100 mile circle around Inverness and see just how stupid that comment really is - unless of course you think 3rd division Caley would have had more appeal than St Johnstone, Dundee, Dundee Utd and Aberdeen.... :lol:

    Those four are all more than 100 miles from Inverness. :lol:

    Jealous? Oh aye, I wish I could travel all fucking day to watch my team get pumped rather than just travel between Aberdeen and Inverness and watch them get pumped.

    The day you go down is the day I'm buying beer for everyone. I've already started saving, so hurry up.

  6. So why does the vote show in favour of the merger?

    You honestly don't know why the merger vote was successful? :lol: There were people at the vote who didn't even know where Telford Street was, going from memory.

    Would Thistle or Caley have had their application accepted on thier own?

    Would Thistle or Caley have proved as succesful on their own as ICT have done?

    Caledonian were well prepared to go it alone, and had a bigger support, better ground and potentially first dibs on nearly every player within 100 miles in every direction. Chances are they'd have made it someway towards where The Plastic (Somewhat less than) Fantastic are sitting now. Jesus, Peterhead and Ross County managed it and neither of them were even close to the status in the HFL that Caley were at.

    Inverness Caledonian Thistle has no roots, no history and nothing beyond what it has achieved since entering the league. It is an example of franchise football, formed out of a need for a commercial gain rather than as a natural forward step in a clubs development, and single handedly buried two long standing clubs. Due to the nature of its existence, at the first sign of trouble and potential relegation, everyone will disappear from the dump as quickly as they arrived (tho thats not fast as theres still no bridge over the road for pedestrians :lol: ). It is a product, a concept, a throwaway piece of nothing, and its demise will bring a smile to many.

  7. wheres the inverness thistle memorial topic

    Most Thistle fans departed football the day their team died (a 2-0 home defeat to Lossie) and are unlikely to get involved with a forum like this. Caledonian fans only chip up as the current shower of shite are dragging the historic Caledonian name through the gutter.

  8. pretend? the merger didnt happen then? :lol:

    christie should never have been given the job in the first place, thankfully he has seen sense, bring on the neil warnock era

    It would be difficult for anyone of a legal position to consider it a legitimate merger, given the club has made little effort, beyond tacking the word Thistle onto the clubs name, to incorporate anything from the Kingsmills end of the deal into the current set up, beyond houking up their ground and selling it off. In the early days, the club played at Telford Street in Caleys colours, with only the lavvy door painted red. Even today, the ground is called, unless I'm mistaken, the Tulloch Caledonian Stadium, and no one refers to them as Inverness, Caledonian Thistle, or Thistle, only Caley. Sorry, 'The Caley', for Inverness readers.

    This was no merger.

    As for Colin W... :lol:

  9. While I lived in Lossie and ICT were moving up the ranks, attendance at games was occasional when Lossie weren't playing and the only singing section we ever encountered were groups of twelve years olds singing Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! over and over. No one dares open their mouth at that place for fear of inhaling the waft of turds off the dump.

  10. thats one thing i dont miss about the highland league, all the fit lykers coming to inverness thinking its a day out


    You must be joking. Half the Highland League treats a day in Inverness as a trip to the backwaters of Scotland and considering we all come from Lossie, Rothes, Brora etc thats saying something. Nothing like standing in Harry Gows next door to the Nip Inn waiting for a pie and pizza slice when all of a sudden a man with a black eye walks in and the bird behind the counter howls, 'aye, ya wur tahking fan ya should hiv ban listenan, right eeeeenaaaaf'.

    Fit like is an Aberdeenshire thing.

    Right eeeeenaaaaf.

  11. its remarkable what caley have achieved since the merger, surely having one club in inverness with almost 3,000 season ticket holders is better than two with about 100.

    live in the past if you want, the ground was embarrassing, the legends wouldnt last 5 minutes today and the highland league gash on show every week would make most inverness fans stomach turn. nobody should get all bleary eyed thinking about it, most of the old howden enders i meet at the football today can get a bit nostalgic over a pint but every one to a man knows whats happened since has made it all worthwhile

    You don't know what you are talking about, do you. The only thing achieved since the merger was a fake plastic club with a fake plastic support who will all disappear upon relegation, and a new Currys on the site of a football ground.

  12. You lot ruined many a Saturday in my youth, but is depressed me even then to see a club disappear under the circumstances (and that includes Thistle as well, depsite Lossie beating them in their last ever game :lol: ).

    I hear there is some new team in Inverness called Caledonian, are they in anyway related?

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