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Jimmy Shaker

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About Jimmy Shaker

  • Birthday 17/08/1979

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  1. That’s the draw for this season, not last season.
  2. Wright was wildly talented in his spell at Brora and scored a bucketload in half a season. Either Brechin wasted him playing him out of position or the boy resented dropping down again and couldn’t be arsed. Either way, strange to get next to nothing out of him.
  3. Relative to Banks O' Dee, Cove have a supporter base similar to Leeds. Banks O' Dee have literally no-one.
  4. IIRC, there's never been a season where this hasn't happened yet, but there's a first time for everything.
  5. Cannot believe that rumour has made it into the real world.
  6. Wouldn't take a whole lot of digging to find examples of Brechin fans talking down to everyone else on a weekly basis in the first season, TBH. The unpleasant episode following a postponement at Rothes featuring one of the more simple-minded Brechin posters whining like a bitch about a calloff and how unprofessional it all was only for someone at Rothes to make him look a complete piece later on. Now Brechin have Kevin Mackie dragging his ass across the carpet on the regular, it's open season on these clowns. Fucking idiots.
  7. Another ‘one’. Mate, it’s over. This is it for you guys now.
  8. Kevin Mackie can carry on raging at the Highland League all he likes but the Highland League consists of the clubs and nothing else, pretty much. So really, he’s raging at himself.
  9. Who, Buckie? In league terms they were mostly an irrelevance for the best part of 60 years until their two-in-a-row in the 2000’s. They nearly went out of business at one point in the 1970’s. It’s not even like the success of late is relative to what they should have won. One title since their last ‘title’ in 2017 (hiya Riddles, hiya pal!) and barely a cup final either. Cove trampled them into the ground from the minute the smell of promotion was in the air. Just because their new found support act like the club is Real Madrid, that don’t make it so.
  10. Says a lot for Buckie’s relationship with the concept of playing more than an hour from Queen Victoria Park that most aren’t believing them. Well, most on forums anyway - Pussbook is riddled with ‘Poor Buckie’ and ‘SFA stitch up’ but the clever, handsome folks on here and FitbaNorth have immediately seen through Buckie’s nonsense
  11. Cove haven’t been a junior side since the 1980’s, blud.
  12. You think the Buckie lot all play for sweeties?
  13. You should just post the table, it’s worth it to get a laugh out of Brora, who took less points off the top clubs than Lossie did.
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