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Everything posted by Ramagamma

  1. Yeah sure mate that sounds like a fucking fantastic idea. Lets let all the voices nintendo hears consist exclusively of praise. Then they won't change and can die off as a console manufacturer all the quicker. Let Mr X feast on his shit sandwich a bit longer though. Cheers.
  2. If you are over 10 and excited about the Nintendo Switch then go to a doctor ASAFP because f**k me you missed out on some important mental developments.
  3. Ps its been proven that it has more extreme frame rate issues on the Switch. That's right the brand new console runs its single note worthy title WORSE than the console its supposed to replace. Do you know why this is? Ill tell you, its because Nintendo knows there are legions of fucktards like you desperate to give them money regardless of what's on offer. They are literally laughing at you with one eye on the bank statement. Its actually wild how little self worth anyone who buys a switch must have. Literally fucking mind blowing. But hey as long as you can afford it, open your mouth wide and let them shovel that shite in. Bizzare. Fucking bizarre.
  4. "I can afford it so who cares" - the mantra of a nerd oblivious to reason or logic. Its a shite looking console with no games and its destined to be the undoing of Nintendo but hey its new and shiny so i guess you have to own it now. I would laugh out loud if i wasnt so worried how easily pleased some folks are.
  5. Buying a Nintendo Switch on day one is maybe the single dumbest thing to do with videogames that I've ever heard of in my life. There is literally one game for it and it runs better on previous generation hardware. Jesus, how can people be so cucked.
  6. I had completely forgotten Richard Foster was on our books. Is he the starting right back?
  7. You can play offline but its almost pointless and a 5 year old would have a great time.
  8. I'll be off Scottish Football for good. Every dream of the sport since i was a wee laddy shattered.
  9. Is Stevie May comes back to Scotland for any team except St Johnstone I'm off Scottish Football for good.
  10. Hit 250 hours in this game last night, i almost resent it for taking up so much of my time.
  11. Picked up the DLC over Christmas, still probably got a dozen hours of the main quest left. What a game.
  12. I like Cifiti, I think he's a nutter with a tempremant problem but he's the sort of player that Saints could maybe calm down and allow to shine
  13. I don't like the look of the new patch, i hope it makes the pro game interesting to watch because i think I'm done with dota as a player.
  14. 27 quid for 90 minutes of probably low quality entertainment, at the biggest time of year that folk will feel financial strain when its available essentially for free on television. Scottish Football is done. Literally just the hardcore left. Sooner the market crashes, the better.
  15. Ps4 Looking for: Titanfall 2 (ps4) Willing to trade: Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
  16. Swanson is a star player for us, that rightly attracts attention and i would never grudge him moving to another club for financial or footballing gain. Hibernian FC though? Please. At least get in the same league before taking shit. Disgusting football team, hope United take a dump on them tonight.
  17. I like Jim but that vid is a bit heavy on the puns
  18. True to some extent but call of duty is far less guilty than fifa or madden etc
  19. There are things like taste and subjectivity in the world but they dont really work when you are talking about something as utter trash as No Mans Sky.
  20. The gamecube controller was the best, the og xbox was the worst and everything else is fine.
  21. I have never known a game to have its dlc criticised as being poor quality as much as fallout 4.
  22. Well its not really fair to compare, the polish on the new version kinda hides the fact its a mid 90s game and as such there wasn't much like it at the time. Few games in the early 3d era really conveyed fear like resident evil. I agree though it is a difficult game to go back to nowdays even with the new graphical sheen.
  23. I think it's because a goal is a goal but saves can have that extra level of being epic.
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