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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. No we haven't. I bet you tell yourself that when you piss in the sink.
  2. I think for a lot of people it did though. There's a general theme of hurt pride that the ruler of the waves had to do things that the French wanted, like give staff holidays. There was also the "ever closer union" thing that got them all upset about a united states of Europe.
  3. I'd like to see these statistics and that apology please. I seriously doubt that every political progeam was heavily weighted against brexit. I can see that there could be reasons why more good arguments were presented against than for. That would be due to the fact that there really weren't many good arguments for it.
  4. I dropped one of them through the glass on the coffee table when my folks were away.
  5. I'm just watching this through for the first time, having not seen any before this year. Up to s3 now. It's quite good isn't it?
  6. Depends on your perspective i suppose. I thought this was a magnificent outcome for the business
  7. I can offer 26 or 31 as compromises. We'll be tied but the diddies will be in their place.
  8. If either of the Saints win they'll have won more cups in the last 10 years than hibs, hearts, rangers or aberdeen and two more than sevco. If we need to use an arbitrary period i propose 40 years.
  9. Anybody still watching on red tv concerned that dougie's stool is about to go over the edge?
  10. I feel quite queasy reading that. I've known a couple of folk who drank Southern Comfort thinking it was bourbon, i guess because it looks like it should be. I can't drink any sweet liqueur at all, but the smell of cinzano makes me actually retch, due to an underage misadventure.
  11. He'd a wee run during last weeks shitshow that made Brian Irvine () remark that he didn't know Cosgrove was that fast. I think he still has a bit of pace. He does need to get his finger out and show what he's made of though. That goes for a few of them too. Logan has a chance to force his way back in. Campbell needs to step up a bit more, Kennedy needs to show why we signed him. Etc
  12. Most of the grapefruit and mandarin flavoured twatty "IPA" bears no resemblance at all to actual IPA does it? It's like a tube of primula spread is to cheese.
  13. I don't think there's much option on the formation. Might be Ngwena at LB if Leigh's not match fit yet, which sounds probable. I've got a feeling that Main might get the nod over Cosgrove because he runs about more.
  14. The worst hangover headache i ever had was after a night of "power shandy" made with equal parts hooch and stella. I was only in my teens but it felt like my brain was being sawed with a red hot rusty log saw for a whole day. I'd risk the hipster brew.
  15. Watched Neil Hannon's half hour documentary about himself on iplayer last night. Aa a fan of the Divine Comedy i really enjoyed it. Not sure if it would convince anyone who wasn't a fan already though.
  16. That was the least serious charge
  17. I'm calling bs for three reasons 1- nobody dislikes double decker 2-if they did they wouldn't admit it in public as it is a mark of wrongun 3- there are no double deckers in celebrations. They're in Heroes.
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