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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Good on balance so far. I like the attention seeking in the media. Even people calling him a fanny are getting engaged. I don’t know how much credit he can take for increased attendances; I think they’re up at most clubs. My worry is that we rely on him underwriting losses with soft loans and he could Mileson us at any moment. It’s probably not existential but it would hurt. Biggest mistake-nepotistic hiring of Glass Biggest success- last season’s full kit w****r photo
  2. And speedboats and thunderbird 2 by the looks of it. Makes me wonder why that albino tribe used mammoths to build the pyramids. Doesn't add up imo.
  3. Some people have grown up food to deal with and not just chicken strips. The fork needs to be less mobile to hold food than the knife does to saw, chop, push, prise or press.
  4. I used to be able to roll a cigarette one handed while driving a car. Taught myself, none of this nanny state pish.
  5. The individual is the unit that the religion applies to. People can believe or not, be saved, whatever. The worldview is about how individuals relate to god, not about how they fit in a system, or produce harmony, or balance. And something doesn't have to be implemented to be considered a virtue. I'm well aware of the hypocrisy of launching crusades for a "merciful" god.
  6. Placing the individual at the centre is very Christian compared to oriental systems. Turning the other cheek instead of retribution is Christian compared so the other Abrahamic religions. None uniquely Christian, but universal morality is very basic.
  7. Yep. She enjoyed it. I'm treating her to Snakes on a Plane for my choice.
  8. Twilight Twilight New Moon Twilight Eclipse Twilight Breaking Dawn part 1 Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 A self centred teen joins up with pathetic vampires to be all angsty. I appreciate that I'm not the target audience here. Vampires should die in sunlight, not go all sparkly. Werewolves should not be nice. Biggest cop out for a climatic fight seen ever. Some redeeming features. Decent characterisation in the first one, and an ok big fight in the third. The fourth is genuinely horrific for about ten minutes towards the end after being excruciatingly dull. Count von count is genuinely scarier than Michael Sheen's big bad. 4/10 3/10 4/10 2/10 3/10
  9. Similarly, they have lower muslim populations than the West. AfD is quite specifically anti Islam so is probably more like the old EDL than Reform (officially, when the cameras are rolling). AfD looks like a much more formidable outfit than Reform. Their manifesto looks quite professional and has a fair bit of detail on social and economic policy that looks not too nuts. You could easily miss the couple of pages of frothing lunacy about protecting culture etc. Worrying developments.
  10. Ron Jeremy was in a Mercury Rev video, as i remember it he was with some busty ladies on a cock shaped spaceship but it seems to have been disappeared. I'm sur Jo Guest has done better videos
  11. Mosr table manner etiquette is pointless crap but some bits have a point. Like not talking while chewing. Plus i always end up sat next to the heel that thinks it's his side plate to his right.
  12. "founded in the UK in 1967 by Sangharakshita (born Dennis Philip Edward Lingwood)" Sounds legit
  13. Assuming triratna is some Indian language word for "cunty"
  14. I was a fan of both blur and oasis at the time. The msm hype trailed the real excitement by about two years. Blur's game changer was modern life is rubbish, the album before parklife, which had also already been released by the time the red tops noticed. Oasis had a full year of NME/radio 1 level hype. The head to head single manufaured rivalry was a massive antclimax with oasis putting out a below par mediocre effort and blur released utter shit self parody. I think it's a travesty that what people remember is pictures in the Sun of Liam Gallagher holding patsy kensit and flicking the Vs and Keith f**king Allen rather than say the naive excitement behind rock n roll star or a bunch of pished up kids moshing to Sunday Sunday.
  15. I've been a vocal critic of Devlin, mainly for his defensive ability. He didn't have to show that too much yesterday and was pretty effective going forward. Seems to have built a decent understanding with Morris too. I don't think Mitov was getting to that shot so the handball goes down as a great save for me. Looked pretty deliberate (although instinctively so) and surprised he didn't get booked.
  16. I probably rate sokler higher than many on here but it's hard to make a case for him as the way forward for us. I think he could still be a better option than Nisbet to start against the cheeks where we're more likely to be playing on the break and working hard might be more important than being in goalscoring positions. But he's not a goalscorer.
  17. The best bits of the Bible are in the Quran, and it's got added conquest and stuff, so i'd guess it's better. I haven't read it though. They're both kind of compilation albums though. The bible has a few chronic fillers (numbers ffs) but classic tracks like Exodus pop up remixed in the quran. Disc 2 of the bible is noticeably duller than disc 1, like on the Now albums where they put all Bryan Adams and Heart together. Bhagvad Gita is magic though.
  18. Happy with the points. Best team we've come up against yet but found a way. Morris looked good when he came on. Never thought i'd say that.
  19. I'd be ok with remaining unbeaten if possible but not very ok. Sokler to find his shooting boots.
  20. Gk: Mitov (Doohan) - upgraded Rb: Devlin (Milne) - unchanged, okish Cb: Rubi, Molloy (MacDonald, Milne) - upgraded? Shallow Lb: McKenzie (McGarry) - unchanged, please no injury. Cm: Nilsen, Shinnie (Ante & Dante) upgraded Am/wings: Keskinnen, Clarkson, McGrath (Besuijen, Gueye, Morris) upgraded Striker: Sokler or Nisbet (Ambrose) downgraded, inevitably. Better looking, more balanced first 11. Not much depth, midfield may be ok but two aggressive players in their thirties will miss matches. Injuries in defence will cost us, although we can register Considine outside the window in a pinch. Nisbet an Palaversa both big unknowns as to which version turns up. Getting a tune out of rejects is a big bonus. Hopefully the January window is more productive than usual because of the nordic seasons. Not blown away but do have confidence there's a plan being implemented, which feels weird.
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