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Cptn Hooch

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Everything posted by Cptn Hooch

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if the Scottish Cup was cancelled completely this season
  2. Aye pretty poor...just glad we have a good board in charge now rather than the clown's we've had previously. Thanks for your concern, hope you get back to school soon x
  3. Still pretty new to the sport but while following some of the comments on here around the playoff games at the weekend I need to ask...what's everyone's problem with the Steelers? Seems to be a fair bit of hate towards them. Curious as I picked them as my team to follow purely because they wear the same colours as Livi haha
  4. one major trophy for a club that was less than 10 years old at the time...what major honours did St Mirren win in their first decade?
  5. and you've done brilliantly in each of your relegation dogfights since
  6. In your lifetime? I assumed with your patter and attitude you were a 12 year old ned at most...It's even worse if you're actually older than that and can remember the St Mirren glory days of *checks notes* the 50s and 60s
  7. If the referee had any concerns to start with then he should have carried out an inspection earlier than 5 mins before kick off. What he seemed to forget is that anyone watching the stream could see that the ball bounced and ran fine considering the weather. I've seen games go ahead in worse weather and with pitches in worse states. Finally...someone with a bit of common sense
  8. Watching his tests and there was no difference between that and any other pitch under a bit of rain. Rangers played a European tie in worse conditions. Steven MacLean is a knob
  9. It's battering down with rain...what does he expect the pitch to be like?
  10. I'd imagine it's more of a back 3 with Serrano and Devlin as wingbacks. Sibbd, Marv and Pitts in the middle with Mullin playing a free role behind robbo
  11. Im a huge fan of Jason Holt. Has the ability to run the game plus not afraid to get stuck in. Exactly the type of player Livi look for. Pity he can't shoot worth a f**k
  12. Ah right...I'm in Lanarkshire and it's fine here, just cold
  13. They've used artificial pitches in various stages of the champions League and Europa League too. A lot of pitches in the US are artificial and you know how seriously they take their sport
  14. The ONLY club in the premiership doing in-house testing. We've probably gambled on this being long term and bought the right equipment rather than continue to pay for testing. Shrewed move once again from the club.
  15. It does yeah, there's usually a few servers to choose from to make sure you get the best performance and I'm sure all of them can be casted to the TV. That's how I watch it
  16. Yeah he's not the quickest but gets into everything. We've used him on the left a bit recently where I think he's less effective. When he plays on the middle he links up so well with Josh Mullin and Nicky Devlin down the right which brings the best out in all 3 of them.
  17. He's started most games recently and has been invaluable. Kept some really good players out of the team too. Hasn't scored many but does a lot of the donkey work in the middle of the park which is what we ask from our midfield tbh.
  18. Certainly sounds like there's a crowd there
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