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Aloysius Snuffleupagus

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Posts posted by Aloysius Snuffleupagus

  1. !st floor international pier and the arrivals hall. I'll only see you're coming back, unless you let me know which outbound flight you're going on and I can say hello in the departures lounge.*

    I was looking for you yesterday morning, but I suspect having flown back in at 07:30 I was just that wee bit too early. I assume you must get quite a few folk coming up to you saying "are you Kilt fae P & B?"

  2. Watching Men Behaving Badly from 1996.

    Someone buys a pint of lager, and it costs: 96p.


    How the bloody farting gypsy is it costing three times as much, in just 14 years? And that's London prices, too.


    That sounds too cheap to me. I'm pretty certain pints were about £1.50 back then. The cheapest I can remember paying is 91p which was in Glasgow Tech Student's Union (now Caledonian Uni) in 1990.

    f**k! I'm getting old :(

  3. i went to see about a used car from a dealer in fife tonight. car is fine, test drive was fine and a few scratches here and there but nothing major. advertised for 3500 and in mind i was happy to pay 3k, so i started the chat at 2500. he just stood up and said ''nah mate that's an insult, this isn't the car for you. time to go''.

    here's the car: http://www.z-carsales.co.uk/used_car_vauxh...tchback_169.htm

    was i totally wrong? might phone him back tomorrow saying i don't want to haggle and 3k is fine. thoughts?

    I assume you're quite young and he's basically treating you with contempt as he reckons you're not serious. If it was me, I'd take my money elsewhere - there's no shortage of dealers and most of them are desparate for sales at the moment.

  4. Not quite true. I did warn Danny L shortly before he went on holiday that even though we had failed by a penalty against Stenny, Cowden would be promoted by default. We also had regular conversations on the theme right up to the LMC decision. In turn Danny was confident that his team were fully capable of doing very well in the Second Division - re-inforced after our first (cup) game against Peterheid when we were very clearly the better team. However I am happy to attribute blame where it is due :rolleyes:

    I take it you budgeted for 2nd Division football then when bringing in players/renewing contracts over the summer? What about scouting opponents - did Danny and his team look at only potential Second Division opponents?

    If the answer is yes to both questions, then I have to say they were pretty brave decisions given the number of twists the Livi saga took over the summer, but it's great to see your team reaping the benefit from them. Livi's eventual demotion really never appeared quite as 'cut and dried' to me (a mere supporter) as you infer in your post..

  5. I don't know for sure that the pensioners are going without just because of Livi.

    No? O.K let's look at it in more general terms.

    Would you accept that Local Authorities only have a finite overall budget and therefore can't meet all demands placed upon them?

    If you do accept that point, would you also agree that within the confines of such a budget, helping one organisation means some other group has to lose out as their demand cannot be met?

  6. Question for Livi fans - would you rather piss off everyone in Scottish football but eventually stay in 1st Division with a 15 or 20 point penalty leading to almost certain relegation to Div 2, or accept your relegation with as much good grace as you can now muster then romp through the 3rd Division this season? Either way you're in Div 2 next season, but one way with low morale and enemies everywhere and the other way with a winning team and a good name in the Scottish game. Discuss.

    I'd question the part in bold. Football fans, as well as those officially involved in the game, have very long memories.

  7. I can't remember who but someone said the attendance was over 600 & stressed there was only 100 Livi fans which therefore = 500 Albion Rovers fans in their mind. Perhaps they were at it to stick the boot in? nah! who would do that to Livi fans! :rolleyes:

    Was it on here, Livi Lions, or elsewhere?

    I certainly don't remember such a post, and on re-checking the match threads on both this site and Livi Lions I can't find any post stating that there was 100 Livi fans and by extension 500 Rovers fans. The only post that come close on here is this one by the owner of the Rovers' site but it makes no mention of numbers. He also made a pretty much identical post on Livi Lions. There's also a claim of 300 Rovers supporters made by another of our number later in the same Livi Lions thread.

    By the way, the victim mentality is getting a bit wearing now as well.

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