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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Finally got round to watching abducted in plain sight yesterday. Fucked up does not quite cover that story.
  2. I’ve heard many reasons from OF fans as to why they think they support them. The old ‘my great granny was irish’ line. The same way aberdonian folk who’d never been to Pittodrie in their life supported Man U because of what Alex Ferguson did for Aberdeen.
  3. That’s chronic stuff. I do not miss goodwillie being at Aberdeen for the sole reason of not wanting a debate about rape to break out in the stand.
  4. You realise these articles are written so the absolute moon howlers on both sides start arguing about it online.
  5. You’re right it is distracting from the original point but I really can’t agree. I think it’s symptomatic of the polarised debate there is online that he’s considered alt right by some.
  6. Same. I don’t really see the issue with him, unless I’ve missed something.
  7. Leaving aside your assertion that Celtic are just better supported you’ve missed the point a bit here. The clubs with biggest attendances have historically always had a financial advantage and thus been more successful than comparative clubs. The problem now is the introduction of ridiculous tv money, sponsorship etc has seen those ‘big’ clubs been given unreasonable sums of money. European football being the ultimate distortion in a country like ours. Clubs with a predominantly regional support such as in Aberdeen or Edinburgh have been left behind by the globalisation of football. Much like Celtic have been left behind by the Uber wealth of English/European elite.
  8. I’m with oak soft to be honest. It’s a pretty unpleasant attitude.
  9. It’s quite common and infuriates me
  10. Jokes aside, do you want a striker who would base his decision on where he'll get leeway for not performing? Needs to back himself.
  11. He should come to Saints because we're willing to overpay him for being shite is quite the change of tune. I don't know anything about Vine really so will bow out of that one.
  12. Quite bold character assassinations you’re making there
  13. He did say ‘in terms of the big prize’ to be fair, but it was still irrelevant nonsense.
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