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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Never mind, home time soon! Should be in 10 minutes apparently, hooray
  2. Didn't claim to be. In fact it supports my assertion that anyone getting upset at me not staying to 5 can f**k off.
  3. No issue with you leaving at half four mate but bragging about coming into work at half 7 is major w****r territory. What can I say, I'm a w****r. Anyway, I don't think it was out of place in the context of the conversation. I don't come in early for some sort of arse kissing project, I do it because it suits me better and I can leave earlier and enjoy my evening, get exercise done etc. Sorry for any offence caused.
  4. This. My hours are 9 to 5. I get in at half 7 every morning so generally leave at half 4. If I have a deadline I'll stay as long as it takes. Anyone who has an issue with me leaving at half 4 can go f**k themselves.
  5. Agree, football tops are for football, the gym or on holiday around the pool or possibly the beach when you’re willing to get it sweaty/sandy/minging. Anything else is weird behaviour and the behaviour of a delinquent.
  6. I wasn't being 100% serious, if anything I was just stating that it was impressive in an indirect way. I work a lot more on pull up strength these days than benching anyway.
  7. My 70kg bench feels quite pathetic amongst all this 100kg chat. p***ks.
  8. Indeed, an entirely different risk profile. Based on absolutely nothing I'd guess accidents/idiocy with elderly folk are more numerous but accidents with younger lads are more fatal.
  9. I was literally about to say Paul Paton is definitely the best bit. How on earth is that a footballer?
  10. I actually want you guys to recover but after the long wait for signings and for Sowah to pop up I just spat my coffee out
  11. Like it or not, any new independence campaign has to win the argument with people like that and not disregard them as ‘shitebags’ or ‘yoons’ or whatever (ignoring malky’s greatest ever union pish). Plenty people who live comfortable lives and for better or worse feel entitled to look after their own situation when they vote.
  12. Ah Jesus wasn’t ready for that this morning. Suicides a fucking tragedy and pretty much any story like that chokes me up.
  13. Wright isn’t good enough. He’s had loads of chances.
  14. Not true, I'd have negotiated a pint or at least a 4 pack of Tennent's. If you're good at something never do it for free.
  15. Quite a surreal moment that in itself. "He told me he desperately needed relieved...so I did it" WHAT? WHY?
  16. You know fine well how this works. You let us win at Pittodrie, we let you win at Tynecastle. Don't try and rock the boat.
  17. Fucksake willy it’s pretty obvious he isn’t jack
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