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Posts posted by DutchBorderer

  1. 4 minutes ago, Thom & Gerry said:

    Dinna panic, easy 3 points at Elgin. Their players went on their summer holidays weeks ago.

    Annan will be conserving energy for the play-offs when they face Rovers on the final day. Likelihood of us picking up a win v. Elgin is about as big as Annan fielding a XI made up of second stringers.

    Heck, if Rovers beat us on the 27th the match (and Clyde's appeal fails) the match between yous and us won't matter.

  2. 7 minutes ago, berwicksfinest said:

    No sure if I would trust him to give me directions !!

    Trouble is the warning signs have  past, the must do better signs have  past, the god help us signs have past. At what point do we say enough is enough. Lowland league status will be too late, hindsight is a very wonderful thing. but when you have ignored the warnings its sheer stupidity, we have 3 games left

    Any other season and we would have been gone already, it's our luck and misfortune that Albion Rovers were so shite before Harper came in and squeezed something out of them.

    At least Cowden, in the past two seasons, knew they'd be in the play-offs well in advance of the final day of the season, and could as a result prepare for a two leg death match. We won't have the same luxury as it looks like we'll have a thread of hope until at least the final El Disastrico on the 27th. Now that we're on that topic anyway, I'd almost suggest just sending the reserves over to Clyde while the first team takes next Saturday off to prep. for the Rovers game.

    Have the McKenzies left with immediate effect? Do they have the relevant coaching licenses for senior football? Were they considered for the role of first team managers earlier in the season?

  3. 13 minutes ago, Redcar said:

    The outcome of the appeal regarding Clyde v Albion & QP has been decided. 

    But the suits have decided not to tell anyone till Monday.  Surprised they didn't ask for a people's vote or an extension till October. 

    Is there a precedent for keeping mum on a decision?

  4. 39 minutes ago, Fergie1 said:

    And it’s not until I read that, that you realise some of the shocking ongoing since Harvey’s arrival. Happy, Knox, valentine three players who basically never even kicked a ball for us and you could throw aloulou into that as well whilst releasing players like Willis, murrell and Phillips. 

    Let's not delude ourselves into thinking Aaron was anywhere near SPFL 2 standard. Very hard agree on Willis and Phillips though, same for Scott and Todd as well (your mileage may vary on him though).

  5. 23 minutes ago, Disc Potato said:

    Percentage chances of winning final four games very close. With a 1 point advantage, Albion Rovers favourites to finish 9th. Berwick don’t have an easier fixture list as some suggested. Prices to a 100% book.


    Home vs Queens Park 17%

    Away vs Clyde 8%

    Home vs Albion Rovers 35%

    Away vs Elgin 25%. = 85% 


    Albion Rovers

    Away vs Peterhead 8%

    Home vs Edinburgh City 17%

    Away vs Berwick 35%

    Home vs Annan 30% = 90%

    Don't know about that, I'd 100 percent take QP+Clyde over Peterhead+City. Difficult to say anything about the Annan and Elgin matches, as both are the definition of silly season what with Annan resting up for the play-offs and Elgin having been playing dead rubbers for a few weeks already.

  6. Whether the original ruling was fair or not, all that's important now is whether it gets overturned.

    Clyde will ostensibly argue for replays, but probably don't care at all about stripping Rovers of the three points that went to Coatbridge; I just don't see a scenario wherein the SFA will, despite no one arguing for it, help us out here.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Fergie1 said:

    I hope your right but I honestly can’t see anything happening on Friday, how could the powers at be award Albion 3 points then take them back weeks later. That would be complete and utter madness. 

    Depends on how strong a case the Clyde legal team can present. Ought to ask the Bully Wee fans how they feel about their chances.

    @A12A1 I'm feeling quite confident about not having to freeze my bollocks off, but then it is silly season as you say. Just another reason why it might go down to the wire on the final day of the season, with Rovers facing an Annan side that will be taking a breather ahead of the play-offs while we play holiday-bound Elgin.

  8. I would settle for two points from the next two matches. Mostly because you could not get me to put money on us getting more than three against QP and Clyde, or Rovers getting more than 1 or 2 themselves. Our win against Peterhead was one of those rare planets-aligning occurrences, as evidenced by our and their form before and after that midweek match; I know Peterhead are considered bottle merchants, but I can't see them dropping points versus a Rovers side that got clobbered 4 to 0 by QP last week.


    I mean if your support are settling for a mere 2 points from your next two games then it says more about you then it does me.

    Have you seen our record over the past months? Can't blame a Berwick fan for being ever so slightly glum about our point scoring prospects over the next two weeks.


    It is on your own hands. If you win every game you stay up.

    If we win every remaining game I promise to go see an Arbroath home game in December in my underwear; stringing four wins together now is such an unrealistic scenario that thinking, let alone talking, about it is pointless.

  9. A word from the supporter who addressed the squad in the dressing room after the game


    Hi All

    I am the guy who went into the dressing room after the game.

    I was shocked at the end result after what I thought was an very good first half and struggled to understand the change in fortunes from one half to another. One of the Annan officials said at half time that Berwick were the better side and that Annan were rattled - his words not mine.

    I was not sure though what I would witness in the dressing room. As I approached the room there were certainly a lot of words being spoken.

    What I saw in there was a lot of hurt, frustration and passion to find some solutions. There was no reluctant acceptance of what had happened, there was a lot of soul searching going on.

    The team listened to my thoughts of what it means to be a Berwick fan and what it means to me and the others on the terracing at Annan, Berwick or wherever. My first recollection of being at home or away was chearing on Gordon Haig, must have been 1966 or 1967. No matter that's an aside.

    The supporters at Annan were upset. That was magnified though many times in that dressing room.

    I think what Andrew Fiddes says above [DB note; he said '
    lets let’s try as hard as it is to stick together]' is correct, and is strengthened by what I saw in what was a highly charged changing room.

    Let's stick together and support the team, OUR TEAM, over the next four games and see what we can get out of them.

    The team know there are four games to go and it's in our hands because if we could win the four and one is against Albion Rovers then we would go above them, no matter what they do. So it is in our hands. We all need to believe. Remember the first half was great, there were some strange descions from the officials early in the second half, that changed the game. That's what happens when you are at the bottom.

    However, I looked players in the eye and they looked back at me. They did not hang their heads in shame or sadness they looked straight back at me. As a supporter I could not ask for more than that. A defeated team would have avoided eye contact. This is not a defeated team, angry and frustrated yes, defeated no.

    Apologies for this long note, and it just my view, but I was the only one who took up the offer from the gaffer and I'm glad I did.



  10. 1 minute ago, The Crafty Dafty said:

    Should you not be concerned about your failings as a head coach rather than posting on here JH?

    Top managers ignore negative comments on social media etc and just concentrate on the job in hand

    You mean to say a supporter who's had his profile on here since 2010, supporting Berwick Rangers all that time, has secretly been Johnny Harvey all along?

    You should consider taking up boxing with that far of a reach.

  11. I'll back the board on this; we as fans don't know the full picture, we don't know what goes on behind the scenes, we don't know what the board and Harvey are telling eachother, what the finances are, what everyone thinks.

    It's easy to assume the board is lazy, but the fact of the matter, which goes for every boardroom out there, is that there is much more at play than 'Oh we can't be arsed to sack him'.

  12. 27 minutes ago, Berwick Tait said:

    Snipped for brevity's sake

    Welcome, it's a shame you had to join us under these circumstances.

    If anything, I am glad to see that supporters have been galvanized and are now more likely to come forward and speak up. You can blame me for being hopeful but this has been the biggest and clearest wake-up call to date for everyone who wishes the best for BRFC.

    BTU rightly brought up the exchange he and I had at the start of the season about what a good place in the final standings would be for us - I recall having pointed out 8th or 9th as being good enough in my eyes. That perhaps is a symptom of us (club, board, players, fans) sleepwalking to relegation (a concept coined by BerwickMad as far back as 2014). Where we seem to have stagnated, others (Arbroath, Montrose, Edinburgh City, Elgin, Annan, etc.) have continued improving to the point where we've now ben propping up the arse end of the table for what feel like forever - without actually doing anything about it.

    Scratch that, I was impressed by how much the board has backed Johnny Harvey, in terms of playing budget and faith. That was a signal of intent, but for one reason or another, it has not worked out.

  13. Had a night to think about it.

    If we are to let Harvey go, now really is the time. Someone else might galvanize the squad for an immediate reaction against QP, then use the remaining training days to come up with a gameplan for the match v. Rovers.

    We (BRFC and opposition fans) often speculate about what the players think about Harvey, but I can't help but think the dressing room is behind him. If it wasn't, either he or the board would have sprung to action. That would have been the logical thing to do, at least.

    If Harvey stays, then so be it and we must continue to support the team and backroom staff one hundred percent. I know I will, it's the only thing we can do.

  14. 4 minutes ago, BB_Bino said:

    Inviting a fan into the changing room to tell the players how important it is to have Berwick Rangers as a “league club”.....does nobody else find that a bit embarrassing? That’s clutching at straws stuff and if I was a player in that dressing room, I’d be absolutely raging at your illustrious leader for doing that.

    Oh no, I think that was actually a fine move by Harvey. If you as a player just got your arse beat 6-0 by Annan the least you can do is look a lifelong fan in the eye. Most if not all of the players aren't fans themselves, so let them see what BRFC means to the people who support it day in, day out.

    There's plenty to criticize Harvey for on the pitch, so we needn't grasp at straws by belittling him for trying something different to motivate/inspirate his players.

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