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Adolfo Rios

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Everything posted by Adolfo Rios

  1. My sister just gave birth to a wee boy no more than 20 minutes ago after a two day labour. Lazy bitch. Both baby and mum are doing ok. No name or anything yet. Edited to add: My awesome wee nephew is called Allan and weighed in at 8lbs 11oz. That'll leave a mark.
  2. Bloody hell. That must've been terrifying to see you wee one that way. Hope the wee man is on the mend.
  3. My little one has got 2 canines coming though at once. She ain't a happy chappy at present. Coupled with the onset of the terrible 2's a whole 3 months early, it's all fun and games in the casa de Rios at present. Work is a welcome break from it all.
  4. Loved how they never cut away from Max in time after Bradleys death as he put his fingers down his throat to be sick.
  5. Yup good ol' NLC. Who gives a flying one about our safety if they can save a buck or two. Gonna buy me a snow plow
  6. And they won't be out tonight or until the morning. They don't send them out on Sunday's as they can't afford to pay the guys that drive the gritters double time for a weekend apparently. I find it comforting. If my family end up wrapped around a tree at least I will have a reason. The poor council couldn't afford to pay someone to drive the grittter truck.... Just do your fucking jobs you lazy c***s edited to add : Snow is fucking awesome though. Had a snowball fight with the wife and wean today.
  7. Completely mental. A80 has been shut both ways meaning travel to and from Glasgow is impossible even if the weather weather allowed it. My mate text me saying he's stranded on a bus 5 miles from home as a result.
  8. 12 hours after my Hannah decided to be violently ill for an hour and a half and I still can't get the smell of sick off my hands to matter how much I wash them. Thankfully she seems fine today.
  9. Congratulations SD. Just found out i'm going to be Uncle in April. The wife is going to be broody as hell but we'll be keeping it to one for the time being.
  10. Basically means that weight or height wise that there are only 25-50% of babies in the country that weigh more or are taller. Gypsygirl24 has taught me well Our little one was on the 90th percentile for height at her last check up.
  11. Hannah is the child, not the stuffed cat in case anyone is wondering.
  12. There is apparently a bout of Croup Cough( http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/ba...iral/croup.html ) kicking about just now. My mother phoned last night in a near panic to tell me. Her neighbours son's Nursery has been closed as a precaution. 3 of the 12 children that she (my mother's neighbour) knows to have caught Croup have pretty severe cases of it.
  13. Congratulations G_Man. There's no better feeling in the world.
  14. My wee one had finally said "Dada" after weeks of me having to put up with the wife bragging the she said "Mum" first. We're not sure if she was also said her own name (Hannah) once or if it was just a random bunch of noises. Pretty sure Hannah is going to be walking in the next few weeks and she's only 9 and a half months old so phase 2 of baby proofing the house is starting soon. A random picture of Hannah is attached taken about 3 months ago.
  15. "Child birth pain is a myth!!!!!" Many a time I have said that in the last 8 months to grahamsgal. Things tend to go a bit dark after it! At the anti-natal classes the midwife got all guys there to pull at each side of their mouth's with their index fingers, pulling your cheeks away from your face and keep going until it burns along your lips. It's apparently a very very mild version of the pain when the head is crowning
  16. Are you going blind on a specific date Medical advances these days It's the 1st February for the mens final. It starts on the 19th Jan.
  17. Packaging on kids toys are a fucking nightmare. How I escaped alive after unpacking some of the presents for the wee one the last few days I'll never know! Struggling to type today due to numerous large and deep lacerations to both hands and all fingers.
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