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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. I just went back and read through the threads for that Brechin game, and the following week at home to Montrose. Deary me, Cuthbert made some choices. I think my favourite bit might be when the team lines go up for the second game, and there are four or five legitimate guesses as to who might be playing right back, and they were all wrong. Having failed with Nisbet at wing back the week before, he'd gone for Euan Murray in that role instead. The Brechin game was also the one that was watched by an incredibly conspicuous Nacho Novo, who might as well have been wearing a high vis vest and waving an "employ me" flag. That was September 2018. Less than two years ago. John McGlynn's name isn't mentioned once on either of those threads. A real sliding doors moment. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to where they think we'd be if the board had given Cuthbert, or (God forbid) Novo, the job full-time?
  2. Was it Kevin Cuthbert who played Nisbet at right back? Halcyon days.
  3. Played almost exclusively at right back for us last season, although he was billed as also being a central midfielder. I think I liked him more than most Rovers fans, and I was a wee bit surprised that McGlynn didn't keep him on. I suppose it's possible he wanted to but we were outbid, but I think it's more likely that McGlynn just wanted a more attacking full back. As four goals suggests, Miller didn't do badly at all getting forward last year, but he always looked like a defender who'd been asked to push on rather than a natural attacker. Wasn't expecting him to resurface in the Championship, but he'll do fine. Very consistent, unspectacular, although he did miss quite a few games through injury last year.
  4. If you look at the size of him, and the role he's playing in his YouTube reel, I'd say he's taking over Lewis Allan's place in the squad. Setting aside whatever happened there last season, you have to assume he'll be an upgrade. I'm excited. It's nice to have an unknown quantity.
  5. Manny, do doo do doo do Oh Manny Duku, do doo do doo do His first name's Immanuelsooooon, And he's gonna be number one...
  6. I was having a look, and when Torquay signed Manny Duku, one of their fans had asked if he was any good on a Hayes and Yeading forum. The general consensus was that his 33 goals in 37 games were entirely down to the opposition being pish.
  7. I don't suppose anyone has much experience watching Hayes and Yeading...?
  8. On the rumour front, remember last pre-season McGlynn said he had his eye on a loan player that "would be like winning the lottery"? I'm going to say that it was Karamoko Dembele, and that McGlynn is just as keen on getting him this year...
  9. What an absolute disaster that is. Some of these guys just have absolutely no luck. Quite the issue from a squad-building point of view, too. McGlynn was obviously looking for a bespoke right-back anyway, but that's the first choice replacement at centre half and at right back our for the season.
  10. Aye, we've won a watch there. Pays to side with the SPFL board when the chips are down, eh?
  11. I believe one of the reasons given for the move from Puma to Joma was an increase in available merchandise. I'm a wee bit disappointed that it hasn't materialised yet, but hopefully it won't be long. I'm not overly keen on either shirt this season, but I'm more than willing to throw some money at a massively overpriced Rovers donkey jacket or pair of corduroys.
  12. I never changed my bookmark from the Championship forum. I've been wasting several seconds of my life every time I've logged on. Now though... vindication. The arbitration panel are due to meet again in a couple of weeks to decide on who's paying what costs, according to Bill Clark on Sportsound.
  13. If that was a Rovers top, I'd buy it. Much better away kit than the usual "reverse the colours of the home kit" borefest.
  14. I've laughed three or four times today just thinking about this post. Well and truly clamped.
  15. Joao Victoria has - predictably - signed for Stranraer. Never quite worked out for him. At the start of last season he looked like he'd add some flair to the squad, but you'd have struggled to justify his inclusion in the starting eleven at any point. He should stand out in League Two.
  16. The Rovers wouldn't do that to me, would they? I've been loyal, I buy a season ticket, I went to that Stranraer game that got called off and then the road was closed, I put money into all the fundraisers, even the daft ones for lawyers, I didn't grumble that time I ordered a mug from the online shop and it was smashed when it arrived... And all I want... all I ask for... is no more centre halfs playing at full back.
  17. Absolutely. My views on Anderson aren't born from revisionism. He was excellent last season, when he was fit, and he really galvanised the defence. He was almost the perfect mid-season signing. That he's committed to a part-time deal so early in proceedings would support the fact that there are going to be better full-time options, though. And not just for us, but for the other sides operating in the same market as us.
  18. Yeah, not overly disappointed with that. While he'll undoubtedly do a job for Forfar, he's already 35 and he's not getting any younger. We should be aiming higher for first choice defenders, especially at this stage of the window.
  19. I'd take Lang at the Rovers in a heartbeat. He strolled our last game against Clyde.
  20. Also, just a wee reminder, you can sign up for Roary's Lotto online from between £4 and £20 a month. The prize pots are already predetermined, so all of your money goes straight to the club, and you've got a chance of a win.
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