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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. Only in the same way that if you actively jump off a bridge you'll get "shafted" by gravity.
  2. Would be very interested to hear why Rosa Parks hasn't said anything about sitting at the back of the bus until now, seems bizarre.
  3. (Also, four senior judges were a judge on his character. Their judgement? That he's a rapist.)
  4. Choosing to take a stand against something you previously put up with is not a moral failing. There's a multitude of reasons that can mean people don't feel empowered enough to make a protest. Well done to the players and staff of Clyde Ladies FC for making their feelings known. They've nothing to gain by doing so.
  5. With the Old Firm game kicking off at 12, there's a huge 4pm kick off gap just waiting to be filled...
  6. The SPFL Trust tweet and the SPFL website both reference 2/3 April. That might be wishful thinking from me because I can't make the Saturday. Fir Park on the Sunday would be grand.
  7. I'd be raging if that was given against us, Williamson giving as good as he gets with the shirt pulling. Selfishly, though, it's the kind of cynical/clever football we haven't seen anywhere near enough of. Not the greatest attempt from Bene but chuffed for Aaron Arnott.
  8. I'd like to see Poplatnik alongside Varian rather than in place of, but there's more to being a striker than just winning headers. The rest of the team need to adjust and get the ball into Poplatnik's feet more often, but with Varian there's no alternative but to shell it to him. Anyway, I'd been toying with a "Does Ross Matthews need to do more?" post all game. I'm gonna shut up now.
  9. He's never a number 10. I think he could be useful further back, basically doing what Matthews does, but he offers no creativity whatsoever.
  10. I'd have had Poplatnik on for Williamson, but obviously Varian had been knocked about a bit and had the yellow card too. I'm not convinced Varian is all that good for our attack. I think he looks the part because he crashes into people, but how many goals have we scored recently when he's been on the park?
  11. We've probably been marginally the better side, despite the scoreline, but given this is our first team versus a bunch of jobbers who can't get a game for an inconsistent Kilmarnock, that's not really good enough. I still don't know what our desired route to goal is. Hope Varian bodies folk and then somehow also gets the second ball and then also finishes it? Dario lashes one in from thirty yards? Or...?
  12. To expand a little - that's yet another one that hasn't resulted in the ball actually entering the box before we lose possession. I'm not against short corners on principle. You can use them to change the angle for a cross, or to find an alternative route into the box if you don't think you're going to win your headers, but we routinely do absolutely f**k all with them. You've got Christophe Berra who's in the top three most natural headers of the ball in the division, and you're making him run an extra 100 yards there and back for absolutely no reason. Utterly maddening.
  13. Are BBC Alba the only broadcaster still routinely using SD cameras? Are they recording onto VHS too? I'm watching on the laptop and the quality of picture on the wide shots is worse than RaithTV.
  14. I note with interest that Falkirk have issued a 2,000 word statement today, providing an update on various activities to their support. Now there are plenty things that Falkirk do that we should be doing the exact opposite of, but that's one that the club should be emulating. If there's to be any kind of rebuilding of trust with the wider fanbase, there must be transparency and open communication. They've sacrificed the opportunity to take a "trust us" approach - any and all big decisions (and many smaller) ones really need to be spelled out for the foreseeable future. To be fair, John Sim has been fairly open in the past, he's done a handful of lengthy interviews at the beginning or end of seasons, but the whole board just going to ground on this issue and only sending out the manager to face questions is completely unacceptable.
  15. Brad Spencer and Ethan Ross back on the bench, which is great to see, and McGlynn has learned from the back three debacle last time at Rugby Park and has kept the same starting setup as Saturday. There were positive signs on Saturday so I don't think there's a huge amount wrong with that. Another 90 minutes without a goal though and I think we need to try two strikers to see if they can shake something loose.
  16. £20 at the gate made this one an easy miss. I quite enjoy a midweek away game, but with everything that's gone on it didn't take much to make the decision to stay home for this one. Selfishly, I really hope we win this one because I've got a wedding on the Saturday of the final weekend, and we're supposed to be playing the Pars at East End. Presumably the final will be played on the Sunday, and I'd be able to get to that, and the rearranged derby. On its own merits, aye, not overly bothered either way. It'd be nice for John McGlynn to finally get a team to a final, because he's won three semi-finals previously and never made it to the final, but I fear that if we do win tonight, it might mean the unleashing of World War Three.
  17. I was back at my first game at Stark's on Saturday, and it didn't feel noticeably sparser than usual. I think for most people who abstained, it was Goodwillie's presence in the team that was the red line. All power to those who won't be back until everyone involved is gone, though.
  18. Just for clarity, in no way does this make any kind of amends for the decision makers at Stark's Park. It's about as satisfactory a way as possible to draw a line under the whole affair, but questions must still be asked of the board and they must still be held accountable.
  19. I'm not overly sure what else the club could've done at this stage. Paid Goodwillie up in full today and then see him go to Clyde at the end of the season anyway? With full acknowledgement of the original sin, I think this is the most pragmatic solution available. I'm still amazed that Clyde have willingly taken him back, but that's hardly a matter of consideration for the Rovers board when the alternative is just giving him one of those big novelty cheques.
  20. Move this thread to the League One forum please, I'd quite like to never see it again.
  21. That's been a reality since he signed his contract. There wasn't really an "honourable" way out for the Rovers after that point, it was always going to involve giving a rapist quite a lot of money. I don't imagine anyone feels particularly good about this move today, but selfishly from a Rovers point of view it's at least going to reduce the financial liability. I don't think it's any better or worse, morally, than just paying him up. Clyde, though? Wooft. Why invite this grief onto yourself?
  22. Off the top of my head, Benedictus scored from a corner at Firhill in the Challenge Cup game immediately before lockdown.
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