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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Started helping out coaching a local 15s team and they are awful. Decent bunch of guys and some can play football but they just have no idea how to play 11 a side. Could be a long season.
  2. I didn't really enjoy In Bruges at all. Too many weak jokes and any film that needs a midget in order to be funny doesn't do it for me. I wouldn't watch it again.
  3. Good to see your True Colours finally coming through.
  4. Mine was exactly the same as this however if I am honest I never heard the term 'junior honours' used once.
  5. Right thats it. Ive thought it for a while but you must be on the wind up.
  6. Bookies do that with many odds. Another example would be 100/30. It's just the way it has always been. Who's all watching/watched 'The Loved Ones'? Wow.
  7. A female on my Facebook spelt 'put' incorrectly as 'poot'. I was lost for words.
  8. If Lothian buses go there its a flat fare at £1.20/30. If its First buses you may as well shoot yourself in the face.
  9. Nonsense. At the moment they go to 11-a-side as 12 year olds. I feel 12 and 13s should play some sort of 9-a-side development game and 14s upwards should play 11 a side. 7s is too congested for these boys and if you hold them back further they will just struggle with the step up later anyway. Its better for their progression to get them in earlier and get them learning how to play a formation and line up with a back 4. Obviously there are no pitches to play 9s so this is simply unworkable. Scores at 7 a side are usually 8-6 and such anyway so its hardly a confidence thing.
  10. Sachin run out backing up, very unfortunate but once Again India limp past 100. They haven't done anything good enough is this series. Kumar is the only bowler I would give pass marks to and well the batting has been terrible for a team that's meant to be number 1 in the world, not any more mind. Their fielding is simply terrible, even Dravid in the slippers has been poor, considering he has the most catches in teat cricket I'm sure I read. England get better and better and their team is almost set in stone when everyone is fit: Cook Strauss © Trott KP Bell Morgan Prior Bresnan/Finn/Tremlett Broad Swann Anderson Obviously if Tremlett or Finn comes in the order changes but Bresnan should be first choice. Bell has had some nice knocks at 3 and prefers it but Trott is pretty reliable in there. A great batting and bowling line up however I sti have apprehensions about Broad and Bresnan. They have been outstanding this series but Broad in particular goes through terrible patches. Hopefully this is the making of him and he cuts out his excessive use of the short ball. Matt Prior MOTS at the moment for me. Best wicket keeper in the world. Anderson at number 2 for his sheer consistency.
  11. Role Models Didnt enjoy this at all. Can't really remember a specific part that I found even remotely funny if I'm honest. The token wee obnoxious black kid did nothing but annoy me. I usually like Paul Rudd as well but not here. 2/10 Million Pound Note All an all a pretty poor 'old' film but it was ok. Not a Gregory Peck fan but something compelled me to watch it to the end. 4/10
  12. I have a few, only 3 non Cowden fans, and I met them all before I started posting on here so technically 0 P&Bers are my pals. Anyway all of the ill-informed posts about the riots are doing my nut in. Almost as much as the 'Scotland where' likes. The first couple were mildly amusing but talk about taring the arse out of it. 'Scotland where no one has a mind of their own' would be apt.
  13. Cracking bit of work. Incidentally is there a time limit the ball must remain in someones hand for a catch to be legit? I remember an incident with Herschelle Gibbs where he took a catch but dropped the ball as he went to celebrate and subsequently the lad was given not out. The rules must have changed. Is the test in any danger? Are you going along to this I assume. Sorry to hear that.
  14. Your wife doesnt seem the smartest. No offence meant.
  15. Super 8 First time i had been to the cinema in a long time and i hadnt really missed it. I diod get in for a student and stole a voucher as the guy got my drink so got discount with that too. Still cost £6 mind. I use to love the cinema in my younger days. A poorly written film with very little excitement or suspense imo. A few cheap frights with things jumping out but really the storyline had far too many holes for my liking and there existed more 'coincidents' then i care to remember. In the end it became a simple monstor/alien film which i hoped it wouldnt be. How long was the train by the way?? It went on for ages. I enjoyed that in the destruction the only things unharmed was the kids, their video camera, their car and the guy the that drove head first into a steaming train. Aye ok. If any of the above is a spoiler i will edit it but its just to alert people not to go and see another bog standard film of that genre. Its just tiresome. 2/10 - Only because ex Cowdenbeath player Gary Fusco was in the same showing. Next time i go to the cinema will be to see the Inbetweeners but it will be during the day on a Tuesday when kids are at school, couldnt be arsed with wee neds 'thtz well lik uz'.
  16. This isn't petty but still. Was in A&E, Edinburgh Royal, with the old man yesterday as he had a really bad accident on his bike. Anyway, the amount of complete and utter morons in there was scary. People that had over dosed, been fighting and just generally been dicks was ridiculous. The nurses and doctors where rushed off their feet and had no where to hide. One guy was wanting to discharge himself to find his dog and you could see the exasperation in the doctors eyes as he advised against it but i could kinda tell he wanted the guy to f**k off. There was also a large police presence and this was only a Thursday night. Dread to think what it's like at the weekend. On a more positive note the staff there deserve a medal for everything they have to put up with and they work they do in general. People on the front line get a lot of praise but IMO these people that save numerous peoples lives every day dont. Rant over.
  17. Is St Johns hospital expensive to park at? I've been before but cannot remember.
  18. My mate dropped his iPhone in the toilet. The sound stopped working for about a day but after that it started working again with no problems. I would give it a while to dry off before rushing into anything.
  19. I fail to see how the Indian are number 1 in the world. Without Khan they are pretty ordinary and are another ageing team, similar to Sri Lanka. England are the best team in the world right not but from what I've been reading about the new Aussie seam attack they could be back at the top soon. Not really sure what the deal with South Africa is mind, they seem to be an anomaly.
  20. Still think Prior isn't as good as Dhoni? The Indian captain has been pretty woeful whereas Prior is my man of the series so far. On the Bell incident he was out, Morgans reaction said it all for me and he knew he was out.
  21. The fact its only day 3 means England are in no rush at all. Sometime after lunch tomorrow will be the time to put the Indians in. Obviously they dont want to leave themselves short.
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