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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Some c**t recommend me a newish film that is a great watch. Goosebump ending type.
  2. Few days. It's not been painful only mildly uncomfortable so I haven't given it too much thought until today at work when I noticed it more around my heart area than where it was before.
  3. Been having mild chest pains recently. It's not overly sore but uncomfortable. It has moved from the middle of y chest to my heart area. I dont know if I'm just imagining it but it seems like my breathing is heavier. Doctors the best solution?
  4. The Prestige Stunning, simply stunning. Nothing else I can say. A must watch. 10/10
  5. There was one that you went downstairs to in the centre of town that was pretty good when I was up there a few years ago. I agree that I don't see why people moan about Burger joints. I rarely use them but they are exactly what they are meant to be.
  6. Places like Llyods and Wetherspoons are great for a breakfast and a pint when hungover. Apart from that I wouldn't really eat there. They are very reasonably priced. A curry from anywhere but a proper Indian is wrong. TGI's gave me the runs the one time I was there, never again. Places like F&B, Nanados ect are all vastly overrated, mainly by women.
  7. Where's all the screaming for summer football/a winter break now? Clueless people.
  8. How true. Anyway its been a very mild night. Training with just a t-shirt on just days before Christmas was a strange experience. Stick summer football up yer arse.
  9. Exactly. Firing milk and several sugars into green tea is moronic so it must be a whoosh? I've been in Sin once and it was dead and awful.
  10. Holiday film fest: Blood Diamond Very enjoyable film from start to finish that kept me interested throughout. Di Caprio is good as always. 7/10 Black Hawk Down Love it. I've seen it before but I still feel sucked in by the plot that I almost forget what's going to happen. 9/10 The Hangover Again I've seen it before and while it was decent enough it was never close to being as good as the hype suggested. Alan aside its pretty mundane and even he becomes a bit dull. 5/10 The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons were also watched and due to having read the book they never meet expectations. Still a 7/8. Inception or The Prestige next...
  11. This was my initial reaction but I couldn't say for sure.
  12. People from Scotland who proclaim that their 'first team is Man Utd'. They all tend to be complete idiots who are best avoided or not the full shilling.
  13. Craig, 2 points. You say 'about 15' so she may well have been 16/17 and secondly, if this was the case, would you? All my neighbours are shit. Not one even remotely worth a poke. There is a milf of all milfs down the street though.
  14. Darren Fletcher is the most professional football in the history of the game.
  15. That's the thing though I am currently looking for 'future employment' and this would just curtail that and if i did get another job I'd be leaving them high and dry. Basically £11k a year for 30 hours+ and pain of a 5 mile drive as the road is pish.
  16. Its what I'll end up doing but they think 'oh he's been to Uni he will be a great supervisor' so my current manager has his heart set on it and I reckon he'll be a bit annoyed. Its not easy to say to people this isnt what i want to do without sounding arrogant as its what they do for a living and really you are thinking 'i can do so much better than this'. When you see the nick of some of the supervisors it's tragic.
  17. I'm not too keen on evenings either. It's about an extra 70p an hour and involves a wee bit more travel. Not worth it.
  18. Offered a job as a supervisor with the Coop. I do not want it as its only meant to be a 'Uni job'. Best ways to say no without getting the boot from my 14 year old girls job?
  19. How did this thread get 34 pages but the 'good club photos' thread died a death. T'is a cruel world.
  20. Linkage 'Stephen Maguire (snooker) RANGERS 1 CELTIC 1 Unlike my other two snooker pals you've asked, I am completely unbiased as a Partick Thistle fan so you'll get more sense out of me! I can't separate the Old Firm as they have been neck and neck all season and there is nothing between them. I reckon it will be a draw, which suits Celtic better and I think they will stay a point ahead all the way to the finishing line.' Whether he is being humorous or not I am not too sure.
  21. Pringles. OK so they are £1 in Tesco, I hum and haw about after deciding to only purchase one tube. Which flavour though? Sour cream and chive, BBQ, Salt and Vinegar were all very real options. I opt for Sour Cream and Chive as its been a while. No matter what flavour I buy I get bored about 1/3 of the way through and wish I bought another flavour, its not fair. They really are for sharing but I'll now polish off the whole tube and feel sick shortly after as I don't really want them. One of life's eternal problems.
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