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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Sunday Mail code for the rail tickets anyone?
  2. The Machinist Great watch. Bale is once again superb and his physical appearance alone was great dedication. Gripping throughout and highly recommended. 8.5/10
  3. Looking for a TV for my bedroom. Nothing massive but a built in DVD player would be swell. Anyone seen any decent deals?
  4. So working for the Cooperative we got offered the gold bank account for free until 2013, I thought I'll sign up to this for free travel insurance for my trip. I registered on line and they sent me the forms. The forms soon arrived and I actually thought f**k it I can't be arsed changing accounts and not having a physical bank so I just shredde the registration forms and thought they will hassle me for a while before fucking off. They sent me the card out today though. I've sill not signed anything and it's not costing me anything but does this constitute the account being open? Can't be doing with a phonecall.
  5. Okay so we had old video tapes made into DVDs from Boots. It was quite expensive per DVD. Now we are looking to copy one of the DVDs to give to someone. Is there a way to simply copy a DVD and avoid going to Boots for another copy? Ta.
  6. Few to mention: Hangover 2 Pish. Predicable rubbish! 2/10 American Pyscho Once again Bale is fantastic and plays the part very well. Bateman's insanity is great to watch. 7.5/10 The Social Network Didn't think I would enjoy it but I really did. It was a compelling watch and not knowing, or caring, about the real life events aided the enjoyment. 7/10
  7. The Adjustment Bureau Wasn't brilliant, mainly because it wasn't what I was expecting. I kind of lost interest and normally im a sucker for a love story. 6/10 The Social Network and American Psycho next, 2 months free LoveFilm to abuse.
  8. I've unfollowed a lot of 'celebrities' that I followed to start off with. Post utter pish that I don't care about. It's great for SFL news and Scottish football breaking stories.
  9. People who constantly moan about rail travel being over priced need to sort themselves out.
  10. Unknown Ahh it was ok I guess. Obviously you draw conclusions to taken and the plot has its usual holes but it's enjoyable enough. Wouldn't watch again though. 6/10
  11. Indeed. I remember watching it as a young(er) man and my hatred for organised religion began to sprout.
  12. Is that himself and Palin with some cardinal and some other dick? When the helmet uses the line 'youll get your twenty pieces of silver' or some similar line. Great debate and Cleese owns it.
  13. JackDFC posts in here under that name. Don't understand his infatuation with Rangers.
  14. 20 minutes into Surrogates and I turned it off, 15 into BD and it went the same way. New films needed.
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