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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. It's a ludicrous suggestion anyway. As mentioned its pay at the gate plus you can't just print your own tickets for the game and keep the money. Why don't we just open our own turnstile and pocket the cash? That sounds like a good idea.
  2. So we have been paid £550 in cash and 49 fans attended. This could be any amount from £392 to £735 so we are looking at circa £1100 of the £4200 debt having been paid. A start.
  3. Tell me about it. I've never been a good sleeper but now more than ever. Broken man.
  4. Jimmy, just come to the Rovers Cowden game. Ill buy you a pint.
  5. Nah I agreed to work that day. Making all our other games this season with this one exception.
  6. Can anyone tell me if Munro has been released? Lives in the town I work in.
  7. How will McMillan afford to pay for #nandos and #tattoos and #haircuts and his Merc? Poor guy.
  8. If I was I'd have drowned myself after my performance at Central Park on Saturday.
  9. Yeah because Scottish officials are the only ones in the world to have made such an error.
  10. I would imagine QOTS will be paying the council a lease of circa £25k a year (including the £10k replacement fund) but will keep all of the profit made made from pitch rental. It may also be technically a council owned pitch so schools and such like would get use for the pitch for zip.
  11. Woeful odds on Ronnie anyway, and I'm one of his biggest fans. Not worth a punt.
  12. It will be £90 for a full adult game - £100 to a profit making organisation. If the council have anything to do with this then the prices won't be negotiable.
  13. I wouldn't want the Pars to groundshare with us anyway as we would see f**k all of the money and the owners would get it all. They would be laughing all the way to the bank, c***s.
  14. These pitches cost thousands of pounds a season to maintain. They require several full time members of staff, lots of expensive equipment. It still doesn't guarantee a good surface. Motherwell, Ross County, Aberdeen and Hibs have all had poor surfaces in the SPL in recent years. Fans, particularly SFL fans, that can't see the benefit of an artificial surface really worry me.
  15. Everyone would rather have a perfect grass pitch than artificial but this costs £££ to upkeep and cannot be used every day if its to be fine for a game. They sure are the way I go.
  16. He would walk. That would be the extent of it. He offered absolutely nothing at St Johnstone and he would be even less interested playing for Dumbo for £250 a week. Would do more harm than good.
  17. Feel sorry for the fans. That's about the extent of my sympathy. Obviously hope you get through this as no club in Scotland deserves to die (except Celtic, Sevco and probably Livi and Airdrie). Good luck but it's looking like a Clyde type situation as a best possible outcome. Time for a new start.
  18. Thinking of going back to Uni. Civil Engineering I think. Not 100%. A five year course at 24 is a big commitment.
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