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auld yin wae knowledge

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  1. Dunipace v Drumchapel Glitch in the system Ha Ha Ha .......how ironic the Drum left the cally years ago due to disagreement with an executive decision 10 years later they return to the cally and they get a decision in their favour only to be reveserved on appeal could be a very interesting game though the easier answer would be just to promote 3 teams from the lower division and go with 13 & 15 not perfect I agree
  2. SPAFA 15 Seniors teams Under 21's 12 [ 4 from the cally 21's ] Under 19's 30 All above are now classed as amateur clubs who can enter the National / District Cups and have clear pathway to senior level should they choose in the future Beechwood from Stirling AFA Folded though I understand 2 new teams are entering the League hopefully the League keep going
  3. Will not take it personally yes it a blow to lose those teams your mention but you numbers playing next season as of today are wrong and if you add the under 19's & 21's [ 39 teams ] the future is secure The Cally Lower Division will lose teams due to being to strong for them with more than likely the Cally reserve league gaining of those that don't fold and based on the summer spree you mentioned sadly effects all leagues not just the league you and crazy heid take great delight in running down .......considering what The SPAL won this season.............................. and the fact the two leagues you guys are in bed with won zitch yes zitch
  4. The reason its shown in The Premier is because they would have relegation [ obiviously not happening now ] so it had to be shown as that would have been the clubs relegated The championship no relegation so the folded clubs are removed Amateur Footie Fan I wont reply to your pish chat at Least Brad Bodley occasionally speaks some sense
  5. Wrong again getting a habit this as I did explain the reasons in fact if your League is smart with your expanded lower division next year you wil copy The SPAL you know like follow the leader ............anyway keep up the name calling as crazy feet finds it funny
  6. Wrong League buddy ....oh did you comment when your League changed the relegation stutus a during a playing season a few years back ....or have you a short memory
  7. Gladly clear up for you Brad Bobley @ the start of the season it was decided to play everyone once as they were too many in the League to play twice [ 28 games ] so it was decided to play everyone once then split the league into two [ top half / bottom half ] and play each other once again sadly a few clubs folded during the season reducing the number of games
  8. Ok I will not disappoint you the standard of your League this year is very poor based on your club performance in the Nationals / Districts Cup that you can't argue [ though you will ] and compared to Scotlands Top Saturday afternoon League West Cup - Winners SPAL East Cup - Winners SPAL Inter League Cup - Winners SPAL With one our clubs reaching the Scottish semi's Not bad for a 1st season of the SPAL ......Oh let me correct you St.Pat's have won 4 in row but only the 1st time within The SPAL ...... and before you bite, going with your method of having a pop at me does that mean if they win your lower division next is that 5 in a row.
  9. Can see s few clubs from that Divison folding or leaving by this time next year after getting skelped a few times as for the drum a mis calculation by Charlie Bhoy lol
  10. Based on your post why would they consider your League when they were "scudding" your Champions was it 4 v 0 or 5 v 0 ?
  11. 1 Team in the East Cup Final 1 Team in the West Cup Final with another playing in the Semi Final 2 Teams in the last 8 of the Scottish The League select winning 16 v 0 last weekend so you post is just another negative comment about the SPAFA So let me balance your negativety your beloved Cally have only 1 team left in all the nationals / district Cups which make the decision for those teams to move Leagues even more bewildering considering the reasons given
  12. So we have following Leagues Teams through to the last 8 of The Saturday Scottish Cup 2 SPAL Teams 2 KOFAFA Teams 1 AYRSHIRE Team [ guaranteed one from the replays ] 1 LEAFA Team And 4 teams awating replays 2 From Ayrshire 1 From GGPL 1 From the last remaining Saturday Morning League Interesting and not surprising that they are none from The Cally again
  13. Is that 4 SPAL teams in the last 16 ...........
  14. If you a referring to The SAFA blazers .......well I can assure you they have put a lot of pressure on The powers above and constantly do......... in fact The SAFA Secretary and President [ who runs a amateur team ] are just as upset and sick of the situation as you are ................................ but you will find its Sports Scotland are the ones involved in decisions and I believe a compromise was made for some groups being allowed than none at all
  15. All teams in each section play home and away which should take most sections up to Christmas then all being well the League would start in the new year with teams only playing each other once and The Jimmy Marshall Trophy would be played as well [ TBC ]
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