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Posts posted by theSilverFox

  1. 55 minutes ago, Hauftimedraw said:

    Munro played like a pantomime villain. Take it he doesn't score many?

    Big Andy has scored a few goals this season so far and will likely score a few more but he rarely scores with a kick, the vast majority are headers won at corner kicks. That was quite a strike for a centre half, Munro is simply a very enthusiastic player

  2. 43 minutes ago, Bridie Vision said:

    Guess there's been no developments in the Hilson loan move then 😜. Realistically though, if Irvine signs a striker it'll be an unproven 18/19 year old on loan from Dundee United or Motherwell, and therefore might not actually be an improvement on Aitken, Shepherd or Doris.

    I think the Hilson loan was nothing more than a rumour started by someone’s hopeful wishing, don’t get me wrong, I wish it was a real thing but don’t believe it ever was.

  3. Jesus, what did I just witness in that first half, Christmas spirit alive and well generously gifting four goals. Played a lot of good football in the second half and I truly believe if we’d equalised we would have got a winner too but appeared to take our foot off the gas after the third as Stenny were panicking. The fact that we’re (still) comfortably second while not having strikers of note is heart warming but today needs to be a wake up call.
    Harkins in his day was a class act, sadly his day is a distant memory, gives the ball away every time he touches it. Doris worked hard when he came on but we still had a mountain to climb.


  4. Fair point that we’re well appointed in midfield but Ness isn’t the only injury prone midfielder we have so happy with the appointment. As already said, we need a striker, we are thankfully well endowed with defenders, the Anderson/Munro partnership is proving to be amazing and up there with the Travis/Whyte partnership which will be available again soon. I always felt the latter two were the best in L1 along with Meechan were, and still are, immense. As fortunate as we are with our first choice keeper, a great defence and midfield, we are lacking upfront, not in effort and industry but a deadly striker would make us unbeatable in this league and very competitive next season if we achieve promotion.

  5. 13 hours ago, AlbionMan said:

    Yea, if it had been your defender's arm I'd have been screaming for a penalty.

    Just like we were early in the first half when a Stirling defender’s arm sticking out connected with the ball, to be fair, I don’t think he meant or even knew much about it but technically a offence and arguably a penalty.

    We complain about bad decisions but they generally even themselves out over a season, or in this case, a game.

    Anyway, a match we deserved to win even if the score line flattered us slightly, Fortress Station Park remains intact after a good battle, Stirling look a side that has it but is currently out of rhythm, I’m sure they’ll be back in the hunt soon. 

  6. 34 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

    What was going on with our stewards and the Bino young team?

    Just the usual, our ar sehole stewards picking on kids, sure the albino fans know their flag shouldn’t have a pole but just ask them to remove it and get it back at the end but instead had to play the hard men and take it by force. They were doing no harm just creating an atmosphere and supporting their team.

    Good win if a little unconvincing for the Loons.

  7. 2 hours ago, mr_malcolm said:

    I second this . No paying a tenner for one of those efforts like we had

    I did, it’s not great but better than ours. Commentator getting drowned out by “c’mon the Forfar”, I don’t know who is but I wish he’d STFU.

  8. The main Forfar to Arbroath road is closed and will not be open until mid morning at best I’ve been informed, presumably if the wind continues to be very strong then the removal of fallen trees can’t go ahead. Obviously there are other routes but are all quite exposed. Fingers crossed it calms down enough.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Bridie Vision said:

    As long as it is decided we'll before the match. Either postpone it around 12ish or we play the full match. I don't want to arrive at Gayfield, get frozen waiting for officials to decide what to do, or worse the game kicks off but then gets abandoned after 15 minutes. 

    If the game is postponed, when would it be rescheduled? The coming Tuesday or next Saturday?

    Agreed, I haven’t bought our tickets yet for that reason. I hope it’s played tomorrow or another Saturday, I used to love a midweek game under the floodlights but nowadays can’t be bothered with them especially away even if it is just down the road

  10. Hopefully Travis is just getting game time and will return, I understand GI not dropping Anderson or Munro as they’re playing so well collectively and individually but a fully fit and on form Travis is a very safe defence. If only they had delayed it until after Saturday as I assume Munro is banned after his red card at Foremartine. Trav looked great in that game.

  11. 13 hours ago, Bridie Vision said:

    Andy Munro is in Team of the Week, he's had a cracking few weeks.

    But come on lads! Arbroath at the weekend who's excited?

    To be honest, looking at the weather forecast there’s a high chance there won’t be a game at Garfield, 50-60mph wind inland but potentially 70, even 80mph, gusts at the coast. That said, if it goes ahead the wind could be a leveller.

  12. 3 hours ago, silkybeath said:

    One of your players lifted his hands to one of our players on the lead up to the corner right in front of ref. Things get missed both ways. 

    Forfar fans were highly critical of team at half time. Strange from a game that was dominated??

    You’ve quoted me but at no point did I claim we dominated I only expressed the opinion that our victory was deserved.

    As for the incident the at the corner, I was right beside it and your player raised his hands before and after Aitken did but don’t let facts get in the way. Our players were wrestled and pulled by your mob throughout.

  13. 21 minutes ago, silkybeath said:

    There was nothing between the teams until the last 10mins.

    Btw, the Forfar fans are some of the most greeting faced individuals in football. Some of the reactions to decisions were comical.

    Three nil flattered the Loons but still deserved their victory.

    As for the decisions and our reactions, if your numbers 5 and 6 fancy new career WWE awaits them, Marty Aitkens shirt is now two sizes too big after the amount of shirt pulling against him. The officials were poor.

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