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Everything posted by Crossbill

  1. Can't see this posted anywhere yet. and just as a reminder... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-36515897 Never, ever trust a Tory.
  2. Lluis Companys and other members of his separatist Catalonian party. Extradited to the Fascist Spanish regime by Nazi Germany in 1940 and executed. I'm really starting to get worried where this is heading.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-43518679 I remember a long time ago arriving in Munich, fresh off the train and trying to get my bearings. A taxi driver asked if he could help, and then when he heard my accent (and terrible attempt at German) where I was from. Turns out he had been part of a group that had come to Aberdeen for the Youth Festival, and had nothing but nice things to say about it. He gave us a free lift to the best hostel in the city. Guess we don't need that anymore
  4. First preferences were: SNP 35.0% (-0.2%) Conservative 30.2% (+4.0%) Labour 27.6% (+2.0%) Green 7.2% (+1.5%) Slight increase in Conservative and Labour share, which I'm guessing is probably due to the absence of the shy tories from the ballot. Still, it's disheartening that the Conservative vote held up so well in the face of the fishing fiasco and their attempts to undermine devolution earlier in the week. A win's a win though. Final transfer numbers still haven't been released, as far as I can see. They will let us know pretty accurately whether Labour supporters in Penicuik would really prefer an SNP or Tory administration.
  5. Penicuik by election tomorrow. It's been a disastrous couple of days for the Tories, so it'll be interesting to see if that is reflected in the results. 2017 first preference results were: SNP 35.2% Conservative 26.2% Labour 25.6% Lib Dems 7.3% Green 5.7% If you're in the ward don't forget to vote.
  6. Yep, fully expect them to continue lapping up the Tory pish, then act all surprised when they get shafted (yet again) at the end of the transition period. Fermers next, please.
  7. This one is a belter right enough. Majority for Stay in UK = 383,937 Majority for Remain in EU = 642,859 Given that they are mutually exclusive, we should probably go for the option with the biggest majority.
  8. Pandering to the Axis of Evil, was the gist of their complaint at the time, I think.
  9. Just a wee reminder about this > https://news.sky.com/story/vote-who-is-britains-most-influential-woman-11274648
  10. STV for single seat elections is completely daft.
  11. It's hard to believe, but Anas Sarwar actually WAS the better candidate after all
  12. Hmm - I wonder what happens to Scottish peers when Scotland goes independent? I'm guessing 'Baroness for life' might need a wee caveat.
  13. Christ. 'But critics say ... what about all the buildings that the Scottish Government doesn't control? Did the Essnpee even stop to think how they would be affected?'
  14. She should be out there with a hand pump, clearing those rail lines. Disgraceful that she's decided instead to defend herself from media lies. The SNPbad must go unopposed!
  15. I would have to agree with this. The behaviour of fans was spiralling out of control at the time (egged on by players and even managers) - the Neil Lennon bullets through the post incident was a real highlight. Having specific legislation made it clear to fans that they did not have carte blance to act however they pleased, and it seemed to work pretty well (although Rangers and Celtic fans being separated by other circumstances certainly must have helped). I generally wouldn't mind the act being repealed, provided the police started using the breach of the peace powers in identical fashion. I guess there would also have to be new legislation to cover the threatening communications issue for which there is no direct replacement already in place. The main concern I have though is that repeal will be seen by certain sections of society as a green light to revert to their previous behaviour.
  16. Can those supporting repeal please give some examples of where they feel people have been prosecuted unjustly?
  17. If support for independence is dwindling, why are unionists so utterly terrified of a second indy referendum?
  18. I'm really not sure what the scoop here is, other than showing Scotland in Union up as being a bunch of blundering incompetents. Letter writing campaigns are nothing new - I'm not really sure why they felt like they had to keep their organised efforts secret - and surely nobody is surprised that they are being funded by a elite club of aristos. However, the heeds gone that it has provoked has been most amusing, so well done WOS for providing us with a good laugh.
  19. The thing is though, RISE are useful idiots for the unionists. They are quite happy to cause division and anger amongst the independence movement just so long as it gives them the publicity they clearly crave, and the MSM will be more than happy to keep fueling that fire. So I 've no doubt we will be seeing Cat Boyd, Loki, Angela Haggerty and their comrades for a long time to come.
  20. I imagine being paid will be high on the agenda.
  21. Think you can get rid of incompetent / corrupt politicians by simply voting them out? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-42425042 Nope.
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