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Posts posted by alta-pete

  1. 1 hour ago, Lurkst said:

    I'd be more worried about the threat to devolution.


    I think the issue is that the SNP have had to prove devolution doesn't work to advance their case for independence (wesminster doesn't let us do anything, big rotters that they are, we need more powers).

    I think Labour need to/will actually make devolution work once they get in. And having got in, I think they have the best chance of doing so - Scotland is now no longer the branch office as was the case with Blair/Brown/Lamont etc but instead is now the tipping point that Starmer knows he needs to keep sweet to keep himself in no.10.

    ETA - and if Sarwar can prove himself to be a clever cookie, he has the real potential to hold the kingmaker role  and balance of power in the new Labour Government.

  2. As trailed, kicked the erse out it with a couple of pals on Saturday. Swiftly followed by a brutal three day hangover. Lesson learned. 
    Have actually quite enjoyed it, definitely been the long overdue reset required; hoping to keep the heid for as long as possible through 2024 and hopefully beyond. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Jedi2 said:

    Absolutely...one is based on properly funding public services, not running public spending down to chase the EU 3% Aquis (maybe consider an EFTA route instead), and try not to base the economy on pleasing big business interests.Also trying to move to a Scottish currency as quickly as possible, to not rely on the B of E to set interest rates etc for Scotland.

    Thr other is the SNPs current 'plan' to reign in public spending for the 3% dream, to maybe if they play nice, rejoin the EU in 5-10 years, near 'decade' of austerity, fire sale of Scottish assets, and chase big business/private interests.

    Sounds like fun. 

  4. oh oh. Might my leftfield strategy actually work?



    A British-Russian dissident has disappeared from the Siberian prison colony where he had been jailed in solitary confinement.

    Vladimir Kara-Murza was sentenced to 25 years in prison last April on charges of treason and spreading “false information” about the war in Ukraine

    He has spent the last four months at the IK-6 colony in Omsk, where Alexei Navalny had previously been held.

    But his wife raised the alarm on Monday when she said Mr Kara-Murza, who suffers from a nerve disorder after surviving two attempted poisonings, had gone missing.

    Bill Browder, a friend of Mr Kara-Murza and head of the Global Magnitsky Justice Campaign, said: “As he’s a UK citizen, our Foreign Secretary David Cameron should be using all tools to get Vladimir released.”

    Alicia Kearns, chairman of Parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said Mr Kara-Murza’s case showed “Putin’s Russia’s disregard for the rule of law and use of arbitrary detention to deter dissent”.

    Several high-profile prisoners held by Russia have previously gone off the radar for lengthy periods, only to reappear after being transferred to different facilities.


  5. 12 hours ago, Jedi2 said:

    A possible way back for the SNP as I see it, in terms of salvaging seats this year would be:


    1. Ditch Yousaf as leader really soon, and replace him with the likes of Angus Robertson or Keith Brown. (Ideally have a 2 way contest between them)





  6. 17 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

    Someone talk to me about the market these days.... Specifically, how far "over" are offers over going these days broadly speaking?

    If my assumptions on your situation are correct and you pitch up as a buyer with a pre-approved mortgage and nothing to sell you will very quickly jump to the front of the queue. Vendors are awfy nervous about getting into a deal that might fall through. There are more people than you might imagine out there who are c***s, they’ll tell all sorts of lies to get themselves into pole position and only once there will they start scrabbling around looking for the finance. Be clear about your situation and you’re golden. 

  7. 7 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

    I wrote the original post on this thread and another elsewhere supporting the SNP knowing that I would be hit with unionist reds but also to draw them out.

    Here is the union flag waving rule brittania yoons reds so far, no doubt there will be more with this.



    RU Moore

    viking ton

    Clyde ton

    hard graft

    Michael W

    Aubrey maturin


    No doubt these are tory supporting pro brexit, pro union, anti SNP, anti Scottish Parliament and Devolution, anti free University tuition, anti free prescriptions, pro 2 child cap, anti welfare benefits of any kind and pro private health care abolishing the NHS and proud to say they are solid upstanding citizens in a westminster ruled union.

    God help them. 



    Sandy, If disagreeing with your output merits a yoon badge, you can add me to ze leest. #jawohl! 

  8. Yup. Breaking it with pals coming over on the 27th. Been remarkably unremarkable this year. A doddle. Copious amounts of Lucky Saint drunk though and - an absolute game changer discovery for me - Tanqueray 0%. For all those scoffers and sceptics out there, I’d say give it a go. Not even not too terrible, a most acceptable aperitif if mixed with decent (Fever Tree) tonic. 

  9. On 17/01/2024 at 03:09, velo army said:

    This is actually pretty smart. Squatting opens everything up and makes evacuation much easier, preventing the necessity of squeezing it out (which can result in piles). I had a mate once who put a couple of wooden blocks under his feet to raise them up and I have another mate who installed a squatting toilet.

    Your mate is a man of resourcefulness and sagacity.

    A bit late to this chat but any excuse to post this ad:


  10. Meanwhile, in the 'WTF were they actually thinking?' I give your Newcastle owner(?) Amanda Stavely. A terrifically attractive woman who seemed to go down a rabbit hole of I've got all the money I need to make it work, what could possibly go wrong?






  11. A truism that was told to me not so long ago - when wondering whether to date the young lady with the bounteous chest or the long slender legs, always pick the one with the good legs. If she then turns out to be a keeper you can always buy her the tits further down the line. 

  12. Humza is a wee shitebag. Pass it on...



    SNP MP calls Humza Yousaf snub to Commons committee 'disappointing'

    @htscotpol Political Editor
    Pete Wishart and Humza Yousaf (Image: PA)

    Humza Yousaf has been chided by the SNP’s longest serving MP after repeatedly snubbing a request to appear before the Commons Scottish Affairs Committee.

    Committee chair Pete Wishart said it was “disappointing” Mr Yousaf was the only living first minister to have declined to give evidence on relations with the UK Government.

    This was despite Mr Yousaf being urged to “reconsider” a previous refusal and being offered any date “which might be convenient” for him.

    It emerged earlier this week that Alex Salmond will discuss the subject on February 19, with MPs hearing from Nicola Sturgeon, Lord Jack McConnell and Henry McLeish later this year.

    READ MORE: SNP indyref2 policy a 'total mess' says longest serving MP

    The six former prime ministers since the start of devolution 25 years ago have also been invited to appear, with Lord Cameron and Sir Tony Blair already giving written evidence.

    The cross-party committee, which includes Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross, launched its inquiry into intergovernmental relations last July.

    In a letter to Mr Yousaf on December 18, Mr Wishart said that further to a letter sent on July 3, the committee wanted to “reiterate its open invitation to you to give evidence to the Committee at a date which might be convenient to you”.

    He went on: “This would be an opportunity to discuss policy areas related to recent inquiries and your priorities as First Minister. 

    “It would also be a chance for you to comment on current intergovernmental relations between the UK and Scottish governments, which is the focus of the Committee’s current inquiry on Intergovernmental relations: 25 years since the Scotland Act 1998. 

    “We hope you will re-consider our invitation, and we look forward to hearing from you.” 

    But on January 4, Mr Yousaf again refused to appear, citing a full diary

    The first minister, who launches the SNP’s general election campaign tomorrow despite no election date being set, said Constitution Secretary Angus Robertson would go instead. 

    READ MORE: Post Office Horizon victim wants bosses to face justice

    Mr Yousaf wrote: “Unfortunately, due to my extensive commitments as First Minister, I am unable to accept the invitation to appear before the Committee.  

    “As the Committee is aware, I am accountable to the Scottish Parliament for the decisions and actions of the Scottish Government. 

    “Sessions such as weekly First Minister’s Questions and my evidence sessions with the Scottish Parliament Conveners Group are an important feature of my commitment to ensuring that the Parliament can fully discharge its essential scrutiny function.

    “I understand that the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Angus Robertson, has accepted an invitation to discuss the Scottish Government’s written evidence to your inquiry… in early March. 

    “I am sure the Committee will welcome the opportunity to discuss these important matters with Angus.” 

    Mr Wishart said: “It’s disappointing that the First Minister isn’t able to give evidence to the Committee, citing a similar outlook to previous serving First Ministers - that his primary responsibility, while in office, is to the Scottish Parliament. 

     “The invitation remains open if Mr Yousaf’s availability changes.” 



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