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hk blues

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Posts posted by hk blues

  1. Doesn't know the lyrics, doesn't know the tune, doesn't know the singer but thinks it was a Christmas song but then again isn't certain. So the only thing we have to go on is it was playing in Hotel Chocolat. Cue another update from Throbber advising it could have been in The Body Shop as he popped in there as well.

    I'll go for Boney M - Mary's Boy Child.

  2. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated by people of know who have moved aboard who are very preachy about it.

    It's as if somehow I've made a terrible decision by choosing to live in Scotland and that where they live is definitely much better. I don't just mean the day to day lifestyle but they seem to post pictures on various forms of social media of themselves with some lovely scenery as if they're out exploring every weekend. The same people never ventured out the central belt of Scotland

    The only thing worse than someone going on about how great it is to live abroad are those who spend their whole time abroad talking about how great their own country is - Americans in particular are terrible for this but I've met a fair few British who are close behind t.b.h. - and it seems the further south you go in the UK the greater it is!

    I am where I am now because it's cheap enough to allow me to get by - there are plenty of pros and cons but I suppose for me the pros are outweighing the cons otherwise I'd go 'home'.

    Ask me 5 years ago if I'd consider returning to Dundee, I'd have said 100% no chance - now it's more like 99% no chance, so who knows?
  3. Not remotely comparable and you insult all victims of child abuse with your appalling attempt to link the two. I'm sure the police who were trying to help the guy at the time would have loved 50 random punters milling about rather than keeping a safe distance. Quite what point you thought you were making about the decline of human civilisation is beyond me, and it seems like you too.

    There was no attempt to link the two and I'm not sure why you would think there was if you had read my post properly.

    As for the rest, I'm struggling to get your meaning t.b.h. but I'll take a stab at the last part. Where voyeurism is more important than helping someone in dire need then the voyeur is wrong.
  4. Christ almighty that's one hell of a thing to throw into the equation! I'm not even sure about that and based on the conviction rates but watching things online and actually going out and harming kids are two entirely different things and most people don't make that leap.

    I can only speak for myself though and don't watch many snuff videos but have been desensitised to it all and don't really flinch watching that sort of thing, but I would never whip my phone out and video a situation where someone's life was at stake for a number of reasons.

    I picked that example because it was extreme which i hoped would illustrate the point better.

    I'm not sure either about the actual numbers Throbber, it's just that when we read about a paedophile being caught it seems they usually mention kiddie porn stuff on their computers as well.

    It's probably just me, but I find it strange people would want to watch a suicide video and similarly strange that people would video a horrific incident/accident rather than do something to help. Neither sit well with me.

  5. I disagree with this, don't think there is any sort of connection between what you would watch online in the comfort of your own home to how you would react to an actual real life situation.

    I think you're misunderstanding my point. Would you disagree that the type of people who watch child porn online are the same type of people who sexually abuse children? I agree it's an extreme example but hopefully you get my point. The type of people who actively watch snuff movies are likely also to be amongst the group of people who'd video a tragic event rather than help those involved. And I'm not saying everyone who watches snuff movies or clips would also video such events. Just my opinion though.
  6. In fairness to him, I don't think he literally meant that folk were trying to prepare for the arrival of killer shapeshifting clowns or haunted hotels.

    I'm almost certain you're right there. It's just his suggestion that watching a horror movie will prepare you better for death that I'm not really buying. If that's what he meant.
  7. hk blues if you are assuming watching a snuff video online is on the same scale as taking your phone out to film a tragedy rather than help out in any way you are way off the mark.

    Relieved to know I'm not way off the mark then Throbber. My post suggested it was the same type of people who would do either, not that both were of similar level of distastefulness.
  8. I have watched various videos that contain deaths. At no point in my life have i videod anyone dying. HTH.

    Unfortunately, you didn't help. My question was related to people seeking out a suicide video, not a video of someone dying - not necessarily the same thing. And same type of people isn't the same as same people. HTH.
  9. ...
    Stephen King's theory on why people watch/read horror is that it's an attempt to prepare for the worst. As far as videos of actual deaths go, there's only so much you need to see before it becomes a pointless exercise IMO...

    I reckon Stephen King is too far up his own arse if he actually believes the above. People watch horror movies for entertainment, and almost all adults are able to draw the line between fact and fiction. Which is why most normal adults don't particularly seek out clips of people dying for real.

  10. I dont mind giving old items into those charity shops, PSDA etc because i actually can see what they are doing and have helped me in the past, my Cat for example was neutered a few months ago and due to my current circumstances the PDSA actually paid a large percentage of the fee's to my vet.

    Hardly very charitable to only support charities that have helped you in the past. If everyone thought like that, who would have paid to get your cat neutered?

    Maybe I'm being too harsh but charity is exactly that, charity.
  11. IMO it's partly that a lot of parents don't want to let kids out their sight but also the kids have got used to that pretty quick and also they pretty much have the world at their fingertips on their phones/tablets. They're not that interested in going outside anymore.

    By me it's gone way past the joke. When the kids arrive at the school, the security guards meet them at the car and escort them into school...carrying their schoolbags for them. On the way out same in reverse. Utter cunty behaviour.

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