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hk blues

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Posts posted by hk blues

  1. Was the pay that bad, or were you paying off the man after a failed jewel heist?

    Pay was ok, not bad...problem was the cost of renting a place was probably the equivalent of paying off the man after a failed jewel heist!

    And beer was upwards of 5 quid a pint in an average bar.

    A bit cheaper where I am now.

  2. Saw a wee story today. A guy won 2k of Thomas Cook vouchers for winning a funny photo contest. The guy took a selfie with his son and a horse with its tongue out.

    Now the horse owner is claiming half the prize because the guy didn't ask her permission first. Aye, right! "Hold on guys, I'll just pop up the hill there and get the owners ok for this pic. Be back in 45 minutes or so."

    Thomas Cook have said they will look into it if they receive an official complaint. Should have told her to bolt. (No pun intended).

    Another c**t looking for something for nothing.

  3. My mum did similar for a few years. Wasn't much fun being dropped off at school at 7am.

    For some people, work is just the most important thing in the world to them - my mum even took two jobs in the evenings and weekends just because she had no idea what to do with herself when she wasn't working. Didn't need the money either, as she was a well-paid professional by day, shelf-stacker and auxiliary nurse by night (which sounds like a terrible superhero, thinking about it).

    Yes, it's entirely possible that this was just a ruse to avoid me, smart-arses :P

    I did a 7am to 9.30pm day weekdays then 8.30am to 6.30pm Saturdays shift in my last job...i needed the money to pay the bills. No problem, you get used to it, or starve.

  4. Really hope something in the pipeline and Hartley keeping quiet. A Thompson replacement would be ideal.

    Wonder if Aberdeen would consider moving on Flood if they bring in Tansey?

    Yep...I'd like us to bring in someone with proven pedigree like Flood.

    Negative is he's a dab (ex)...but so was Tommy Coyne and that ended well.

  5. TDB is going downhill quite quickly. Thought it was decent to begin with but the whopper percentage is growing. The state people got themselves in over a 1-0 defeat at Aberdeen recently was ridiculous. My biggest bugbear though is Gedee spamming every thread with absolute drivel and being unable to form an opinion that isn't just an echo of the majority opinion on the forum.

    As forums grow more popular, the nature of them being what it is, the walloper ratio will also get bigger. TDB is suffering from that maybe...i'll admit i haven't noticed it (maybe as i'm one of the wallopers!)

    A single team forum will offer something else. And it's easier to ignore the wallopers on a forum like this...plenty places to 'hide.'

  6. If ticket prices went up once it was introduced then yes that's of course true. Did they? As I say, we don't have wifi down these parts (yet) so can't say whether prices went up or not after it was introduced.

    No idea if they did or not...I'm sure not directly but we all know that each and every cost is factored in when ticket prices are re-calculated.

    Wi-fi on trains? Where I am we don't even have trains!

  7. Well, no, not really. You pay more for food on a plane therefore you have a right to complain if you don't find it satisfactory. Wifi is (as far as I'm aware) free on the Scotrail service therefore I don't think you can have the same right to complain.

    That's just my view and it's something that boils my piss in general. Folk who complain about something they get for free.

    Ok...let's assume I was talking about where the food is included in the ticket cost...then what I said.

  8. I still wouldn't class wifi as a necessity (at any public area for that matter). My view is that wifi is a bonus when it's available and I don't go to places based on whether or not those places offer free wifi!

    Is complaining about wi-fi on a train not similar to complaining about food on a plane?

  9. The fact that Scotrail's WiFi service has been one of the most common complaints in this thread has been something of an eye-opener. Back when I started using trains, it was more about whether or not there'd actually be a bloody train, and the assumption was that you'd be shunted in a filthy threadbare box that hadn't been cleaned since the Fifties. Still, at least I'm too young to remember the days of chimney sweeps being paid to sprinkle coal dust around third class carriages in order to force besuited professionals to pay for first class tickets.

    (yes, QI)

    Was thinking something similar myself.

    If shitty wi-fi and not being able to buy a cup of coffee with a credit card are all Scotrail have to worry about, they can rest easily.

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