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hk blues

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Posts posted by hk blues

  1. Well, no, not really. You pay more for food on a plane therefore you have a right to complain if you don't find it satisfactory. Wifi is (as far as I'm aware) free on the Scotrail service therefore I don't think you can have the same right to complain.

    That's just my view and it's something that boils my piss in general. Folk who complain about something they get for free.

    Ok...let's assume I was talking about where the food is included in the ticket cost...then what I said.

  2. I still wouldn't class wifi as a necessity (at any public area for that matter). My view is that wifi is a bonus when it's available and I don't go to places based on whether or not those places offer free wifi!

    Is complaining about wi-fi on a train not similar to complaining about food on a plane?

  3. The fact that Scotrail's WiFi service has been one of the most common complaints in this thread has been something of an eye-opener. Back when I started using trains, it was more about whether or not there'd actually be a bloody train, and the assumption was that you'd be shunted in a filthy threadbare box that hadn't been cleaned since the Fifties. Still, at least I'm too young to remember the days of chimney sweeps being paid to sprinkle coal dust around third class carriages in order to force besuited professionals to pay for first class tickets.

    (yes, QI)

    Was thinking something similar myself.

    If shitty wi-fi and not being able to buy a cup of coffee with a credit card are all Scotrail have to worry about, they can rest easily.

  4. Bottled water has been recognised as the biggest marketing success/scam in history, but the Canadians took that title by flogging cans of fresh air to the Chinese...


    Don't get me started on the Chinese!

    Exhibit one...in Hong Kong the c***s would actually get on the bus with their umbrellas still up to avoid a wee drop of rain. Fucktards.

    More to follow once i take one of my pills to calm down!

  5. f**k knows where it is, will phone them up tomorrow then. I was worried they would demand hundreds for it! Surely its a regular occurrence as people must quite often cancel their policies. The car took us to Asda maybe 4 times, once to Portobello and once to Glasgow and it will have cost me about 300 for the pleasure.

    I'll give you a few quid for the back seat - good memories!

  6. Microwave at work.

    Every time I go to it the door is lying open and the timer has a tiny amount of time on it,

    like 4 seconds, or today 1 second.

    So someone has set the timer for a couple of minutes and come back and rather than wait till it stops at zero has opened the door with 1second of the time left,

    and then walked away and left it. Not cancelled the time or closed the door, just walked away.

    Bad day mate?

  7. Well no: 'go to' could also refer to convenience. Their favourite takeaway could take 45 minutes to arrive, and so they order it less often than a 'go to takeaway' round the corner.

    Stop giving yourself coronaries over completely invalid grievances.

    It's my petty grievance and I reserve the right to be aggrieved by it.

    Anyhows, if it took 45 mins to arrive it wouldn't be a takeaway, would it. It'd be a home delivery.

  8. When I was at uni there was no online releasing of grades - they were put up on the course notice board. A table of registration numbers and grades. As I loved close to the uni it was fine - drive in during the holidays and keep an eye out. Must have been a nightmare for people living further away.

    Now it's online. Ours get released this week and I'm expecting a few difficult meetings with students later in the week.

    Shitting on your own doorstep can be risky.

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