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hk blues

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Posts posted by hk blues

  1. Corporate tax is definitely lower than in the past. The multi nationals still don't want to pay.

    Hardly matters what the headline rate is-what most care about is the 'real' cost. I'd think.

    Unless you are one of those fooled by government spin on taxation?

    Not just one flavour of government either.

  2. IIRC when I started my business 20 years ago Corporation Tax for big business was 40% and for small businesses like mine it was 28%. Small business CT is now so 20% and due to drop to 19% then 18% over the next few years. For large business its dropped to either 21% or even 20%; I don't know is the new lower rates are to apply to big businesses.

    One way or another, for large businesses CT has effectively halved in that time and companies still don't want to pay their way.

    The term 'Supertax' related to personal tax, not corporate.

    The average rate of personal tax in the 1970's was 83% - i googled it! That no doubt contributed to a culture of tax avoidance which survives until today. And it's not surprising that companies cottoned onto this'opportunity' as well.

    As for corporate tax - as with personal tax the headline rate has undoubtedly dropped. But alongside that we have seen increases in the so called 'stealth taxes.' Companies now face increased social costs i.e. NI and Pension contributions.

    Few would say tax is lower now than in the past.

    Anyway, politics thread for this pish?

  3. It's funny watching them trying to pretend they're not getting carried away with their victory against the worst Kilmarnock team in living memory.

    I can't decide whether I want them relegated asap or to have them clinging onto hope until the end of the season only to lose out by 1 point.

    Surely the latter?

  4. Anyone else enjoying GD slither about the forum pretending he is resigned to relegation?

    Marked increase in activity including a new topic speculating on who is going down,

    He is going to feel it the most :lol:

    The timing was interesting.

    They've just unscrewed the last screw in their relegation coffin with a stunning 5-1 mauling of their nearest relegation rivals and the guy starts a thread like that.

    Reeks of "Boys, we're gonna be ok but I'm pretending we're not. Please convince me we are."

  5. Don't know if anyone watched the recent programme about the Fair Tax Town. I had never heard of the thing previously. Showed some of the gimmicks the big corporations used; U2 and The Stones using the same thing to minimise tax on royalties. The guy they had the meeting with from HMRC was an apologist arsehole for big business.

    I reckon much of the problem, if it us a problem, stems back to the days of 'supertax' which helped develop a culture of acceptable tax avoidance and the necessary schemes to help make it possible.

    And just simple human desire to want more, and more...

  6. Before anyone starts ordering the Buck's Fizz and flogging the homeless, it's worth remembering that this measurement won't be taking account of variances in the cost of living across the globe. You'd be able to obtain the same assets and standard of living in other parts of the world with substantially less cash.

    Anyway, I'm in the top 3%, which probably puts me in the same bracket as toilet attendants for most folk on here, and in the 'barely human' bracket for folk who actually have money :P

    That's a good reason to ignore these 'lists' and not get carried away. 50k where I am now will buy a new 5-bedroom house. 50k where I used to be will pay your rent for 1 to 2 years, if you're lucky!

  7. Am sure I've whined about this before but people who print off a slip to check their balance, glance at it for less than a second then scrunch it up and put it in the bin.

    Wtf is the point in that? Just bring up the balance on screen. Save a tree.

    Worse...people who go to ATM and get a balance printout. Then they withdraw money or whatever they are doing, with a receipt . Then they get another balance printout. Worse still, they often take their card back between each step. They obviously don't trust the bank/machine.

    It's not even an isolated case...seems to be the norm here. Doubt they'd last 10 minutes in Scotland fucking around like that.

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