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Everything posted by MSU

  1. I'm amazed you got any magazine program code to work. ETA -- I had a 16k Spectrum and eventually got a 32k expansion pack that was a little bit more stable than the ZX81 version. I was explaining this to my co-workers the other day, who have never heard of a ZX Spectrum, and I mentioned that the expansion pack that contained 32k was around the size of a cassette while I currently have a Micro SSD card in my camera that's 64GB and the size of my thumbnail. This sparked a bit of a race to calculate how big the Speccy expansion pack would've been had it housed 64GB of extra memory. Turns out it would've been just over three acres. Can't imagine how unstable that would've been plugged into the back of a 16k Spectrum.
  2. I do like a McRib, right up to the point I eat a McRib.
  3. I enjoyed Vice Principals far more than I expected to, mostly because I hate Danny McBride. The fact that it had a bit of heart totally surprised me.
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