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Everything posted by MSU

  1. Spent the entire Alice Levine series wondering why the f**k she was on it. She wasn't funny or a particularly good lateral thinker and came across, as you say, a bit of a p***k and out of her depth. I didn't think I knew who she was but it turned out she's the most annoying one out of the three annoying c***s who do the My Dad Wrote a Porno podcast that was briefly amusing when it came out five years ago. I think the Bob series is my pick of the bunch. Lovely, lovely Sally Phillips.
  2. Yes. I fucking adore Taskmaster. Start at the beginning but skip the series with Noel Fielding, because Noel Fielding is in it To be fair, even the series with Noel Fielding in it was worth watching because Mel was lovely and Hugh was utterly inept.
  3. In my Lockdown YouTube Rabbit Holes, stumbled on to No More Jockeys with Tim Key, Mark Watson, and Alex Horne playing their game over Zoom. Basically, they take turns naming famous people (either real or fictional) and then declaring no more or a category that their person belongs to. For example, Sharon Stone -- no more actors. So for the rest of the game no one can mention an actor or they can get challenged out of the game. The joy seems to come from them getting progressively drunker as the game progresses, the pool of potential people who match no category reaches the impossible, forgetting already existing categories, and Tim Key blindly refusing to accept that he is wrong about anything. 10 episodes so far. Got through them in a day. Here's episode one:
  4. I have weird memories of this movie. For some reason, the screenplay was summarized over the course of a week in either the Daily Record or The Sun, which I don't remember being done before or since.
  5. Pence seemingly does call his wife, Mother. Which is funny because she's just his cousin.
  6. I haven't been in years, but I used to enjoy 1 Golf Place in St Andrews for lunch. Their chicken caesar salad in particular was amazing. Dunvegan, around the corner on North Street, was also pretty good.
  7. MSU


    Months late to the party, but finished The Last Dance in a couple of sittings. What an incredible bit of television. Was really interesting to me that the only time Jordan let the emotions really get the better of him in the interview setting, wasn't when he was talking about the death of his father, it was when he was explaining why he's motivated in the way he was, and that's why he was aggressive, and that was how he played the game. Also loved how he invented personal gripes and slights to get himself fired up. I thought, overall, what came across was his 100% dedication to whatever it was he was doing, be it basketball, blackjack or pitch and toss. Sure he could be a bit of an asshole. We can all be assholes without the pressure of being the GOAT in our fields. Scottie Pippen is a fucking diamond.
  8. Yeah, it's ... it's definitely something.
  9. If Kebabish on Graham's Road is the same place I remember from about 10 years ago, the people working there were so friendly and polite. How they kept their cool during all that is amazing.
  10. She gets her yams out in the second part of the video if that'll help id her?
  11. When I saw David Baddiel's tweet, I thought the complaint was against Jo Wiley. Genuinely amazed that the Wiley I'd never heard of was allowed to tweet his racism uninterrupted for the best part of half a day without Twitter shutting him down.
  12. Mrs MSU felt pretty much the same about the Rockwell character.
  13. Fucking hell, that looks good. Needs a crown of beans, tho.
  14. Not convinced G450 x2 understands all the words they wrote.
  15. Freakonomics calls bullshit on the "rule of thumb" definition. Good enough for me, and it also renders questions about my cock now moot. https://freakonomics.com/2011/07/01/rule-of-thumb/
  16. I'm pretty sure I read about both in the same Times article. Not saying that makes it any more or less credible.
  17. "Rule of thumb" is another phrase with a dodgy past, as it apparently dates back to a law that said you couldn't beat your wife with anything thicker than the width of your thumb.
  18. Shortly after moving to the US, I used the phrase in a meeting and although I'd never considered it before, I wondered if the phrase had some questionable origins. I looked it up when I got back to my desk, and sure enough, the etymology does seem to come from the name for the detritus found on the bottom of slave transporter ships. So I decided to stop saying it. It's probably not high on anyone's list, but maybe it's just a quick win to use different language. This is on the money for me. It's the either conscious or unconscious decision to reject candidates who come from a minority group who may well be qualified for the position or at least deserving of an interview, which leads to a perception within the minority group that there's no point applying for a job at Company A because they're 85% White Male.
  19. Lovebirds -- Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjiani are a couple on the verge of splitting up when they accidentally become part of a bizarre murder plot, on the run from the cops and trying to solve the mystery to clear their names. It's a movie we've all seen a hundred times. Despite the by the numbers plot and there being nothing the least bit surprising about any of it, it was fun and the two leads bounced off each other with quirky dialog that I'm sure will bug the absolute f**k out of some people.
  20. MSU


    I watched this the other night and enjoyed it quite a bit. It was far too long but there were plenty of laugh out loud moments and Will Ferrel and Rachel McAdams were good together. And it was nice to see familiar bits of Scotland, which I wasn't expecting.
  21. Up to recently, I had a colleague in his sixties who would vocalize every keyboard shortcut he was using. I'd be sitting, minding my own business and over the wall I'd hear him, "Control C ... Control A ... Control V ... Control Shift Down ..." If that wasn't annoying enough, I suspected for a while that due to his hitting his keyboard in rage when the Control V didn't do what he expected it to do, shouting at other colleagues, there was a non-negligible chance that sooner or later he'd bring a gun to work. Eventually he was fired for falling asleep at his desk for the umpteenth time and after he left, HR found "gentlemen's periodicals" inside financial magazine covers in his desk drawer. Some boi.
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