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Everything posted by MSU

  1. Did something similar. Was getting to the end of the year and I'd skipped a summer fortnight, and hadn't used a huge amount of time at other points, so I ended up with a ton of time left. I took every Friday off in November and December and then was also off between Christmas and New Year. Was utterly glorious.
  2. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I totally agree.
  3. I always was more mature than my years. Along with the grumpiness, there's also more than a bit of jealousy. I've been a "creator of content" for a few years and haven't come close to achieving anything like the level of success this laddie and his da have reached. That said, I haven't had the luxury of being able to scoot around the country a few times a week, spending 100s on tickets and travel and accommodation, and I'm related to no one who used to own a coffee shop in Russia frequented by one of the Pet Shop Boys like Thogden. Anyway, nothing in this post is mocking Sevco, so apologies for the diversion.
  4. Exactly. If I was forced to sit behind him and couldn't just walk away, I'd be pissed off within five minutes. I'm not the sort of person who'd skelp his head, or probably be confrontational enough to tell him to STFU, but I'm absolutely the passive aggressive sort of arsehole who'd develop an oddly loud tickily cough every time he tried to voice his opinion. TBF to him, I'd be the same if I was sitting behind Archie MacPherson. In fact, I probably would tell Archie to STFU.
  5. Cough, through, though, bough, ought, tough ... how anyone can ever learn English is a mystery.
  6. I don't disagree. All the videos I've seen have been edited really well. They obviously invest a lot of time, money, and effort into their channel, which is reflected in their views and subscribers. I guess my point, perhaps badly made, is that football matches aren't always attended by the most reasonable people, and if one of those less reasonable people, particularly if they'd partaken of the wine prior to the game, was sitting near them, it wouldn't surprise me if they took exception to a guy providing a running commentary, especially if the team is getting beat by the bottom of the league for the second time that week.
  7. I didn't say I wanted it. I'm just surprised it hasn't happened.
  8. That's hilarious. Ah, well. Good luck to him and his quarter of a million subscribers. Sooner or later, tho, that's heid's getting skelped. Dear God. What a world.
  9. I've seen a few of this guy's videos. Him and his da seem to just tour the UK going to whatever games they can get tickets for. He was at the Watford - Liverpool and Celtic - Copenhagen games, in the home crowd both times, IIRC. Imagine being sat round about them. How the c**t hasn't had the back of his head skelpt by now amazes me.
  10. I'm sure there are many alternative ways to catch this without leaving the house.... Probably. It was fun, though. And it turns out Toronto has loads on British Grocers so got a chance to stock up.
  11. I drove four hours to the outskirts of Toronto to see The Trip To Spain in the cinema. I didn't have anything else planned for the weekend. Very much looking forward to doing the same to catch the movie version of this one.
  12. You should be fine on $250. They never check the signature but yeah, it's best you sign the card. If you're buying petrol, go inside and ask for $20 on 3 or whatever. Sales tax in Florida is 6% which is on top of the ticketed price. Driving in Orlando is fine but it's very busy. You can turn right at a red light, unless it says you can't, but you must come to a stop at the line first.
  13. The Sevco rollercoaster never fails to disappoint. Bravo.
  14. Incredible result there. Shame the supporters can’t go 90 minutes without referring back to the songbook.
  15. "It's time for him to ..." Goddamn it, but if that isn't suspense right there, I have no idea what is.
  16. Chinese clubs falling over themselves. That said, he was easily the MotM.
  17. I lived in Alloa when Obama was elected. I remember being a sobbing mess when he gave his victory speech. The idea of change never felt so tangible. I can imagine something similar if Bernie, Warren, or Buttigieg win, except not in Alloa. Different tears if they don't.
  18. I knew nothing about this but there was a Stuff You Should Know episode a few months back about how the Satanic Panic was based on nothing. Really interesting to learn how this all went down. Absolutely mental. CBC make such good podcasts.
  19. Barbara Lighthouse, Broccoli Highkicks and Ronny Omelettes.
  20. Nick Ferrari made this point to her several times on LBC today. She chose to ignore it.
  21. Bob said they were different people, but I've always ignored him and assumed they were the same.
  22. His injuries have been discribed as serious but not life threatening Right. Which could mean anything; brain injury, loss of liimb, but at least he's alive. Watching the accident again, it wasn't difficult to assume he'd been killed.
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