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Everything posted by MSU

  1. You're right. She's a wid. But afterwards, I wouldn't be very gentlemanly. And I'd probably throw her in a canal.
  2. Gabby Logan standing next to a canal doing the intro to the SPotY contenders show. Where's CJ De Mooi when you need him?
  3. Probably. I think we were supposed to infer that she didn't trust her father any longer. Baptiste told her that her dad wasn't the man she thought he was, and he was right about everything else.
  4. MSU

    South Park

    I kinda enjoyed it, tho I was looking at the clock wondering how they were going to wrap everything up in four minutes. And of course, they didn't. The member berries being left open was disappointing, and the conclusion to the Skank Hunt thread was a let down too. I laughed a few times at it but perhaps tellingly I laughed more at the Everybody Loves Raymond rerun that I'd already seen a million times that I watched immediately before it (it was the one where Robert finds out his birthday isn't when he thought it was). Agree with Fuctifano that the actual outcome of the US Election pushed the narrative down the less funny path,
  5. -- How are we gonna get out of here? -- We'll dig our way out! -- No, no. Dig up, stupid.
  6. Didn't Ali Campbell's brother end up being lead singer after Ali left? Christmases must've been a great laugh at Maw Campbell's house after that.
  7. MSU


    The only thing that bothers me about the season is that if the maze is an abstract path that the Hosts follow to achieve consciousness, the fact that its symbol is imprinted on the inside of Kissy's scalp in the pilot episode makes NO sense.
  8. MSU


    I thought the writing was mostly great. But yeah, there were a few "oh, please" moments in the finale. Particularly the lengthy Ford exposition bits.
  9. MSU


    With the first season blowing its load a bit in the last episode, the finale's trajectory was maybe a bit obvious, but it was an awful lot of fun getting there. No idea where this is going to go for season two, but if there's even the slightest chance there's going to be ninjas, I'm going to be keeping my fingers crossed for that. Is it 2018 yet? ETA Also ...
  10. -- Just squeeze your rage into a bitter little ball and then release it at an appropriate time. Like that day I hit the referee with the whiskey bottle. Remember that? -- Yeah. -- When Daddy hit the referee? -- Yeah. -- Yeah.
  11. MSU


    I genuinely think he's an appalling actor, but in a series with such great writing he's been given some dogs of lines to read out. He effed and jeffed his way through his first few scenes and it just sounded so false, I don't think Harris or Hopkins could've made it sound convincing, although they probably would've realized that and said something to the director and got the lines rewritten. So there's blame to share on this, I think. Simon Quarterman is his name. You may remember him from The Scorpion King 2, Midsomer Murders, Holby City and EastEnders. <according to wikipedia>Apparently, he's got such a ribbing from folk complaining about his (over)acting in Westworld that he's taken down his Twitter account.</according to wikipedia>
  12. Yeah, I hears ya. And they show them asking around town beforehand and maybe having that bringing results would've been too easy and unsatisfying and so they needed another step in there because plot.
  13. I've come to this pretty late. I started watching season one last Thursday and thought it was incredible. Hooked from the start. When I mentioned on Facebook how good it was, most people told me season two was better. That was hard to believe at the time, but they were absolutely right. I'd binged up to the penultimate episode last night, ready for the finale tonight and it didn't disappoint. The one thing that sat just a little uncomfortably was the remarkable good fortune to bump into Waiter Exposition, but I forgive it that slight mis-step in an instant. Great writing. Perfect acting. Remarkable stuff.
  14. MSU


    Dolores is trying to find the Maze. William is tagging along because he's gagging for the robotic poon. Logan is still in it, but at the point you're at I think you're supposed to think he's either been killed by the Confederados or is otherwise captured. Episodes 8 and 9 are probably going to answer a lot of your questions.
  15. MSU

    South Park

    I know exactly what you mean. It's the perfect song, though. No idea why.
  16. MSU


    The moon looks like it's wearing sunglasses, which is a turn up for the books. Awesome episode tonight. Hunners answered, hunners heavily suggested, couple of mind = blown moments. Thandie Newton, as previously mentioned, is simply incredible. Or especially for 'Naners, it's derivative claptrap, poorly acted, and Jonathan Nolan wouldn't recognize a decent story arc supposing it booted him square the noots.
  17. MSU


    I know taste is subjective and all that, and that the show isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I think this is the least comprehensible criticism I've read of the show so far. So congrats on that, I guess.
  18. MSU


    I'm pretty sure it was her, but I wasn't sure of the logistics of Bernard being there -- I thought they were geographically quite far apart. I haven't got round to rewatching that episode to check.
  19. MSU


    No idea what the BB Code is. I watched it again. Looks like I missed the Elsie bit.
  20. MSU


    I dunno. I enjoyed it as much as usual but it all felt a little too subtle, especially when compared with last week's revelation. That said ...
  21. MSU

    South Park

    Top 10 episodes, eh? Well, I chop and change all the time, but I always like watching. Awesom-O -- "Weak!" Scott Tenorman Must Die -- Cartman makes Scott eat his own parents. The Biggest Douche in the Universe -- Tree fiddy to the Loch Ness Monster and a great closing song. Free Willzyx -- that image of the dead whale on the moon over the silent credits cracks me up every time. Butters' Bottom Bitch -- Butters (who I love anyway) knowing what you are saying. Crippled Summer -- Towlie intervention and Nathan being raped by a shark. What's not to love? Tweek x Craig -- I love this episode mostly for the music. There's "Book of Love" by Magnetic Fields altho it's the Peter Gabriel version they play. And then some random song sung by Parker in a Japanese accent. Quality. Reverse Cowgirl -- Butters sitting on the bog back to front and Clyde's mom dying because he didn't put the seat down. Bass to Mouth -- Lemmiwinks and Mackay shitting himself down the hallway. Imaginationland -- The best multi-episode arc ever. Honorable mention for Cock Magic and Ginger Cow.
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