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Everything posted by Finlay21

  1. Next signings will make this topic much more enjoyable to read all going to plan
  2. I was speaking to him yesterday, that is certainly his intention for next portrait,
  3. Not resigning, just saying to people who were having doubts to enjoy the season when it comes along , there’s a lot worse going on in the world , being depressed before seeing the team play is a worry
  4. Well done to the winners , and a specially well done to AUFC1910 for bringing a bit of normality back to the forum
  5. Best team player .. Michael Moffat ( made Shankland the player he is ) recent history, from yesteryear it would be Spud Murphy Worst …El Alagui
  6. This forum is now getting as depressing as SRE ( which I have not visited since the week after Kerr took over ) , enjoy the season when it comes along
  7. Think it’s concerning that a number of people are looking at a one sided story ( not stating you ) and coming to a conclusion, apart from the 2 people involved, who knows what was said in a tweet between 2 people , for all we know it could have been a personal comment that he felt needed to be responded to and believe it should have remained that way
  8. Just find it strange that none of the fans involved seem to have posted on any Ayr forum about being asked to remove and the reasons , and it only comes out now about 7 weeks later through another source , can’t imagine Hopkin was interested in a banner being showed and asked for its removal
  9. I don’t think it’s true , that would have been mentioned on here long before now if it was , I heard Hopkin at half time mentioned to the players if they had seen it and said how much it means to the fans for this club to survive in league , Moffat even came out and said something about how it drove them in , we can have a go at Hopkin for things he does wrong a d not just by comments which have no substance
  10. Sorted during covid lockdown , brand new toilet facilities in both ends , even now has hot water hand washing facilities
  11. Nope , I do like listening to your views as it’s a combination of heart and mind
  12. So true , gives you more credit that you are not just a key board warrior , as I have had the pleasure of listening to you on many occasions , you do tend to show your true feelings at that moment in time , and not afraid to admit if you got something wrong
  13. Totally have no idea , I only seen Itzdrk’s post on here and I am just as interested as everyone else as to what’s happened
  14. It’s great reading everyone’s slant on what they think happened,
  15. Don’t care who it was , I have morals and if I was affected enough on here to pass something on to others without calling out the person involved it would be time to give up looking at posts
  16. I certainly don’t find that funny , itzdrk is a decent poster and says it how he feels and mostly can’t be argued with , anyone can see he says a lot tongue in cheek
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