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Posts posted by brokeville

  1. Without any doubt the shocking VAR decision had a major effect on this game. We were chasing the game after that. Totally played into their hands and they could sit back and absorb our attempts. Not much between the teams apart from having clinical strikers. Without the gifted penalty we’d have seen a different game. 

  2. I remember at the time the club looked into doing up Brockville to the then SPL standards and I’m sure the maximum we could get in the site was either 6 or 8000 seats. It wasn’t an option because of the stupid SPL criteria of 10000 seats at the time.

    If I remember correct there was a possibility of 8000 if we rotated the pitch 90o. Unfortunately 10000 was never a possibility and I suspect the authorities would have increased it to 12000 to stop us. Sorry that’s just one of the chips on my shoulder talking.
  3. You seem to be obsessed with this chef. I never knew having a chef was supposed to guarantee football success. 
    I think just about all the permanent signings we have made over the last couple of seasons have had really good spells. Unfortunately a lot of them have had really bad luck with injuries. Who we try to keep will depend on how serious some of these injuries are and of course how they fit into Owen Coyle's plans. I would happily take any of them back.
    One thing I am sure of is that all of the permanent players that have played over the last two seasons have given their all.  To suggest otherwise from the safety of your keyboard is pretty pathetic.

    A chef is a trained professional cook and tradesman who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation, often focusing on a particular cuisine.
  4. Next season would have been my 60th year supporting Falkirk. On Saturday I will probably make my last visit. I’ve watched the club through thick and thin. I’ve travelled the length and breadth of the country even going to Liechtenstein. I watched some utter dross over the years but I’ve always gone expecting the unexpected.

    Not any more, somethings missing now. There’s no excitement, passion or atmosphere. I go fully expecting to lose and no longer care about the result. The people around me in the stand are disappearing never to return. I never thought that would be me.

    The BOD have a massive job on their hands to turn this round. Unfortunately those that have stopped going are unlikely to return.

    I hope from the bottom of my heart that we recover, I will always be a Bairn.

  5. Decline is serious but certainly not terminal.
    Worst possible time to turn your back on the club when every penny is needed.

    The strain on peoples income with the huge increase in energy/fuel costs as well as Falkirk Council’s 4% council tax rise will ultimately mean many supporters will not be able to afford a season ticket. Success will always help with that argument, not an issue just now. So the choice is simple heat, food, fuel or a season ticket. That’s the reality of the current situation.
  6. I empathise with you but turning us round is going to take a good few seasons as the previous board and Holt have left us in a terrible situation.
    I think the new set up and BOD will do the job but they will need time.

    I’d like to share your optimism but the early signs are not good. From what I can see the investment from the patrons has been spent on a gamble this season that’s clearly not worked. No idea where the money will come from for next season. Without doubt season ticket sales are about to plummet to levels not seen for years. The decline is terminal.
  7. We can all have opinions on MR but one thing is absolutely certain there is no fight in this team for anything. The whole lot of them are going through the motions. It’s an absolute disgrace to watch a team like this. For me, who’s watched virtually every home game since 1963 and over the years pumped a six figure sum into the club I’m witnessing one of the biggest declines in the clubs history. I no longer care if we lose, win or draw. Next season I will not renew my season ticket unless we see a major change in the running and management of the club. There’s no sign that the fan ownership is having the desired impact either. I never thought in my lifetime I would witness the demise of the club, it looks like I might.

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