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Everything posted by Mick1867

  1. Aye. Can't say I'm particularly looking forward to this game but I'll still be there. Hopefully Roberts will take the opportunity to rest any players carrying knocks and give some others a chance. Would like to see Alfie on from the start and might be a good game to give Gibby a run out
  2. I've decided to skip the whole report after reading the last couple. I doubt they would have got a gig writing for our long defunct fanzine "The Web" and to think the committee banned that from being sold at Hampden
  3. I agree with that. It's really good and the likes of Sean and Ian have done fantastic work on it, especially Facebook and Twitter.
  4. To be fair, Homer and Gulliver are founder members of that forum. A lot of what they write is cringey bollocks, you have to wade through paragraphs of self-indulgence before any relevant comment on the match. However when you find out that they both used to write for local Old Firm comic the Evening Times then it all makes sense Just because they are volunteers doesn't put them beyond criticism. I actually find the match reports much better and far more informative when both of them are on holiday
  5. Yes, but staying amateur plus one bad season and we could be dueling with relatively ambitious pro clubs like Kelty Hearts in the Lowland. At least if we were pro in that league we might have some hopes of competing with them to get back in the SPFL
  6. Correct. Let's be honest, if we ended up as an amateur team in the Lowland League, it wouldn't be long before we are relegated from that to the South of Scotland league. Then again, maybe the amateur principle is more important to some folk than what division we play in and perhaps the Scottish Professional Football League isn't for them
  7. Can't speak for others but Salim, Alfie, Joffers, and Smart are all big muckers of mine. I used to call the team masseur by his surname because I thought he was a p***k
  8. Pretty sure that 3 draws and 2 penalty shoot out wins = 5 points. I know I'm being pedantic but I believe it's another 2 grand in the coffers for paying our players a wage next year
  9. Probably because they don't have to, my understanding is they have the power to do it based on any evidence they wish to consider and there is no need to change the constitution to do so. That's what they keep telling us anyway. If some members are unhappy with that then the only option is for them to call an EGM, as Boris says. It's been done before on other matters so why not this? I suggest that those who have allegedly been "keeping their powder dry" use this option if they believe in it so passionately. If they are unavailable for whatever reason to attend these types of meetings and voice their opinions then I don't see any other option for them ( of course your emails should also be receiving a response but we all know our office staff are notorious slow and in some cases unreactive) re the exit poll of non-members. I value their opinions far more than somebody who will only show up once in a blue moon or give their proxy for an official vote.. Most of them are relatively young compared to the membership. They will be the future members . More and more of their peers have become full members. The exit poll was also worded so the committee will be able to separately calculate the wishes of the members and non-members who were present
  10. I don't think they have anything to be afraid of . It was clear from this year's AGM what the mood was. Only 5 or 6 folk raised their hands when asked if they were against us going pro. I do however understand that if an official vote was on the table then the turn out at an AGM or EGM would be greater, as would the number of proxy votes from people who still retain membership despite never attending games or having any active involvement in the club. A lot of these people don't know the current issues we face and have a rather romanticised view of our club. Anyone remember the AGM from a few years back when certain members where absolutely shitting themselves at the prospect of other members daring to stand against their favourites for committee? We even had a vote for the Presidency for the first time ever. This produced the most amazing scurrying around for proxy votes, as well as the sight of auld timers getting wheeled in to the meeting who hadn't voted in years. It was these votes that narrowly got some committee members re-elected that night, and if it wasn't for the proxy votes then a different President would have been elected. Therefore, imo, having an official members' vote to decide these things isn't always a fair reflection on the mood of the support as a whole.
  11. We only got two of the points to be fair but I get your gist. Reckon we might even had got all three if we had performed like we did against Hamilton or Airdrie but at least we dug in for a draw when not at our best
  12. Well of course, and thankfully most folk have moved on. Nothing wrong with a bit of verbals otherwise though and certainly nothing wrong with verbally abusing racists, sexists, and homophobes
  13. Oh here we go again with this one, a total myth for the majority. Folk have been swearing at players and refs since I was a wean, it didn't put me off attending or any of my mates of a similar age. My young niece now comes to games all the time and occasionally my step-sons, none of this behaviour bothers them, in fact they find it amusing if anything. Football is tribal, deal with it.
  14. Great meeting. The majority of those who spoke -either committee or supporters - did so with passion and with real hope for the future. The general mood I got from the meeting was that we should go for it. Some auld timers who would have been against going pro previously seem to be now firmly for it. This included ex players who wouldn't have got a bean back in the day for their fine efforts. There was of course those who were wary on how the whole thing would be funded and quite rightly asked about future business models and plans. I was quite surprised at the lack of dissent. I know for a fact there were some people in that room firmly against it yet they said absolutely nothing. This was their opportunity to give their opinion. I can't really understand why they didn't take it
  15. Ciaran Summers (left back) has re-signed for QP
  16. Agree, Cammy looks a better defender and he'd be my first choice there. Important thing is that we now have cover at left back. Injuries and suspensions will mean everyone will get their chance
  17. I know he was in our youth team that reached the semis of the Scottish Cup last season. Never played for our first team though
  18. Back at Hampden on August 10 for first home game in the league
  19. Maybe young in relation to Dooflick, who sounds about 90
  20. More QP signings Willie Muir ( East Kilbride ) and David Crawford (no club) - goalies Alfredo Agyeman – Motherwell - forward Jack Purdue – Morton - midfielder Creag Little – Largs Thistle - defender Players out – Kurtis Roberts to Airdrie (this happened a while back)
  21. To be fair, the better loan players tend to go to other clubs who will pay their wages. Roberts tried to get loan players in all of last season without any succes. It's also quite unusual for us to get a loan player for a whole season, normally just for a few months and occasionally for half the season I'm not calling us a true amateur club, if we were we would be playing in the amateur leagues. The only thing amateur about us these days is we don't pay our players. We're not breaking any rules though, all the other players now sign amateur contracts and can leave once they give 28 days notice It's all currently being debated on the Queen's Park thread. You might have missed it but we'll probably be going pro soon like everyone else
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