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Gordon EF

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Everything posted by Gordon EF

  1. I'm sure the club were loafed to see Anton go.
  2. Have we reached 'people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about something someone said'? Or are we still at 'people complaining about people complaining about something someone said'?
  3. Heard he's packing in the football to concentrate on his tattie scone business.
  4. Not commuting during lockdown is really affecting my podcast listening time but I'm definitely going to make an effort to work through these at some point.
  5. Stephen Aitken would say literally anything to get his mug on the inside back page of a newspaper to remind people he exists.
  6. I'd imagine most East Fife players earn more money with their FT job and PT wages than the majority of Falkirk, Partick, Raith, etc players. Most young players will want to have a go at FT at some point and see how far they can go in the game.
  7. You'd have to have more money than sense to sign McAllister these days. Probably why he ended up at... checks notes... Cove Rangers.
  8. This is the worst East Fife related wind up since the club unveiled a marquee summer signing that turned out to be a lawn mower in the Lee Murray days.
  9. Dowds will clearly be a miss but this is par for the course for all football clubs, never mind those at L1 level. Richer clubs come in to take your better players. As good as Dowds is, for me, he wasn't our best player last season. We're clearly missing a prolific goalscorer but we probably have been since Fash left a few years ago. If there was someone out there who'd be guaranteed to score 20 odd goals a season in L1, we'd be lucky to even be in the running to sign him and would likely need to go above budget. Thomas Collins was fairly prolific for BSC last season so I'm hopeful him and Wallace can form a good partnership with Kev Smith filling in. It's obvious we'll need someone else in up front but it's unlikely to be a name that gets the pulses racing. As mentioned, Darren's signing record has been very good since he's been here. I trust him to find a replacement.
  10. Yep. More than likely he'll be back in this league in a year's time anyway.
  11. Take it this is Raymond Grant. Looked a cracking player and will be very tough to replace. Expect him to roll up at Qu££n'$ Park.
  12. Slim pickings to be honest. Probably Forfar or Montrose.
  13. Hate to play the 'centrist da devil's advocate' here. But 4,999 are Scottish, 4,999 are Spanish and 2 being dual Spanish/Scottish is the closer analogy. Arguably there are only 2 nationalities at the game but not every single person fits nicely into one nationality exclusively.
  14. Both the 'every human is biologically either 100% male or 100% female' and the 'biological sex isn't a real thing' groups are very much the idiot wings of their respective camps.
  15. Yep. Same with gay marriage. It's an issue that means absolutely f**k all changes to the vast majority of the population. But actually means a fair bit to a small minority. It's basically just chance to be the good guys for free and it prevents giving a whole load of poisonous 'debate' oxygen. I'm not suggesting governments just breeze through any old thing that sounds vaguely 'nice' at the drop of a hat but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't take very long to think about things and come to the conclusion that "No, gay marriage isn't going to lead to people marrying dogs and gender self id isn't going to lead to the women's toilets at Asda being infested with rapists".
  16. Rowling is pretty much the poster girl for the "It's not cancel culture, it's arse holes not liking being called arse holes" point.
  17. To be fair, that makes it sound like pages and pages worth of people died in 24 hours. There were 21 obits per page the article even says that it's people who've died in 2020 and not necessarily of covid. The headline is misleading.
  18. I don't disagree there's a pattern with Rowling at all. For folk like her and Linehan, having extremely outspoken view on a range of trans issues without any apparent skin in the game, it's seems most likely they just don't like the idea of people being transgender very much.
  19. That's a bit disingenuous. People who're advocating refusing to acknowledge any child as transgender, yeah, don't think many people would disagree with calling that a bigoted view point. This is more about hormone therapy though isn't it. There's no actual difference between the way any adult should treat a gay or straight child.
  20. Is it not pretty much as close to a cast iron certainty that less than 100% of kids will know exactly what their sexuality is going to be once they're adults? It's almost inconceivable that there aren't kids who think they're straight who turn out to be gay and kids who think might think they're gay but turn out to be straight. I do think the 'turning gay kids trans' stuff is almost certainly overblown hysteria but it's hardly a completely illegitimate concern to have.
  21. Dowds should be a good player for Falkirk. He's certainly not a goal machine by any means but he's a good footballer, puts in an absolute shift every game, leads the line well and can link up between midfield and attack. Take a look at the highlights of our win at Tannadice in last season's Betfred. Dowds set up both goals.
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