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Gordon EF

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Everything posted by Gordon EF

  1. There was definitely a few guts on display.
  2. Does anybody seriously think that the high numbers of black men killed by US police isn't down to both direct racism from police officers and the historical legacy of institutional racism in the US? And there are absolutely police reforms that could work to bring down the number of police killings. A whole set of reforms were proposed under Obama and then reversed by Trump. They would have been a pretty good start. if anything the "police problem" seems far easier to fix.
  3. I think the survey is a great idea and the results are interesting but those were daft questions. If we're in the 4th round of the cup and are drawn away to Celtic, I'd expect us to go out in the 4th round. If we're drawn at home to Vale of Leithen, I'd be expecting us to get to the 5th round.
  4. I was the kind of kid that always did reasonably well at school but if this had happened back then, absolutely guaranteed I would be treating this like a months long holiday. I'm surprised it's as high as a third as well.
  5. Just my opinion from places I've worked in but there are tonnes of places where promotions etc are somewhere ranging from an absolute nepotistic joke to just plain incompetent decision making. In a lot of places folk will just reward people they like or those whose face fits regardless of how suited they are to the job. There's probably very little you can do about it in most cases. HR are unlikely to give a shit unless there's some actual rules or laws broken which there very rarely are in these cases. I was at a job a few years ago where out of the blue I was told by my manager that she was being promoted and that someone on my team who'd been in the job less than a year was now going to fill her position. It was an absolute joke, I was essentially still training this person more or less and they were going to make her my manager because her face fitted with the right people (this is a company where friends and family of the owner are hired and motor up through the ranks and then pull all their pals up behind them). I was raging and told my boss that if they did that I'd be straight out the door with no notice period and spent the best part of an hour convincing her what an idiotic decision it was. She eventually backed down and agreed not to promote her. it felt good for a while but I'd fucked all chances of getting anything at that place and was straight home firing out CVs and was gone within a few months. The latest news from there is they've appointed a new manager of that team who has no experience of that role, who's pals with the department head, which has resulted in everyone else on that team deciding to leave as well. I think it comes to a point where you either have to swallow that rage and just get on with things knowing they won't change or put everything into getting something new. if you haven't been on the market in a while, I would definitely recommend getting some advice / reading up whatever on putting together a CV and interviewing. That helped me enormously.
  6. It works by not reading too much into minuscule increases in one day.
  7. Woah. By the end of the week we'll be at 6,600 infections per day because that's how that works.
  8. Folk have been ganting for a "second wave" in South Korea for months.
  9. What evidence is there of a second wave in South Korea apart from the musings of panty-wetters?
  10. I think Clyde fans have been having a wee joke with the voting
  11. Sounds like a decent idea to me but we'd be as well letting clubs buy players once the reach a certain age and reinvest the cash into development.
  12. Really depends what 'under threat' means though, doesn't it. It's a phrase that can mean whatever anyone wants it it mean.
  13. I'd imagine there's split opinion among the clubs. I'm not sure if they'll treat Leagues 1 and 2 separately or have them vote as one block. If League One votes seperately, I'd guess we'd get at least 60% in favour of October even if that means the potential for some games without crowds (East Fife, Partick, Falkirk, Airdrie, Montrose and Cove). But a backstop of January to account for the possibility of prolonged periods of testing with no crowds seems sensible.
  14. Yes, but permanent damage will be done to many individuals's finances and livelihoods. Which will have a knock-on effect on health outcomes. My point is, lots of different people are looking out for what they perceive as what's in their interests and aren't as bothered about how it effects others. This isn't something unique to the young so let's not pretend otherwise.
  15. Yep. And plenty of older folk are willing to see the economy trashed just as these young people are entering the jobs market to reduce their chances of catching it from 'extremely unlikely' to 'even more extremely unlikely' so it's swings and roundabouts.
  16. It's not ignoring it at all. Of course there will be 'flare ups' in some areas. Nobody thinks otherwise. The reality is that we're not seeing 'second' waves though and the virus is being suppressed fairly efficiently throughout Europe. In Scotland, we've seen active cases drop from 7,000 to 1,000 in a month. How likely do you actually think it is we'll be over run in 4 months time?
  17. There's a large amount of scare-mongering pish in that tbf. Elgin won't need to be playing any games until October at the earliest, possibly December. That's a minimum of four months away. There's clearly still a large degree of uncertainty but on current trajectory, the virus will be more or less gone from Scotland by then. The whole point of the delayed start is to utilise the furlough scheme and then start playing games when the virus is not out in the community, players don't need tested before every game and crowds can return. He's talking as if Elgin are being asked to start back next week.
  18. I don't disagree that there are a core of independence/SNP supporters than are blinkered idiots. I've already said that it was blatantly true that far more Labour talent went to WM (or, maybe more accurately, stayed there ) in the early days of the parliament. You seem to be saying that's still the case now that the SNP are the dominant Scottish party in both parliaments. I don't agree. I didn't even think you were making an argument against the SNP with that post, never mind trying to shout you down for it.
  19. The Scottish Government could not lockdown before Westminster did because they have no power to introduce a furlough scheme or stop people coming into the country. I'm not not particularly impressed with how the SNP have handled the things that are within their power to handle. But to have a go at them for not doing things they have no power to do is just stupid.
  20. OK. So you made a statement, were asked for examples to back it up, provided literally zero and are now throwing a strop. But it's all the fault of SNP supporters?
  21. I'm just interested in how many you genuinely see as talented. That trope was from the days when Labour dominated and most of the MPs preceded the Scottish Parliament. It's only really since 2015 that the SNP have sent large numbers down to Westminster and I'm not really aware of many who transferred to WM so I'm not sure how you could see talent 'choosing' WM over Holyrood since most Scottish MPs weren't MPs 5 years ago.
  22. Can you give a list of all the current Scottish WM MPs you consider talented?
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