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Gordon EF

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Everything posted by Gordon EF

  1. You're having a fucking nightmare here m8.
  2. England's as close to worst of both worlds as you can get though. They've had a stricter lockdown than Sweden and had more deaths. Why on earth would any non-psychopathic Swede want that?
  3. On the topic of cross-border quarantine. I'd be happy to move the border up to allow the Borders and D&G to form a little Tory bubble with England.
  4. Isn't that exactly what they were supposed to do? The alternative was making people (probably more than 9k) redundant immediately.
  5. That genuinely sounds like a Joe Biden quote.
  6. The suspect vehemently denies it was him who carried out the attack and that it was actually his girlfriend. Under questioning he turned his back on the questioning officers, turned back around 30 seconds later with crudely put on lip stick and said "Hiya, this is D.A.F.C's burd here, lol".
  7. Yeah. That stuff's a bit vicious cycle for me. There's no doubt the 'gammon centre right' has been more effective in convincing the electorate on the economic side of things for decades really. To what degree that's the ineffectiveness of the left or the unwillingness of the electorate to vote in their own interest, I'm not sure.
  8. Yep. That's a major bug-bear of mine. It's a given that equality and social justice should always be important to the left but it does feel like so much energy is given to that at the expense of the traditional economic equality side of things. The race issue is a good example of that. Of course racism is a factor in racial inequality but the main practical reason minorities see worse outcomes than white people generally, across society is that in the UK and US, minorities have disproportionately higher levels of poverty. Closing the gap between rich and poor generally would significantly disproportionately benefit ethnic minorities.
  9. Absolutely. Particularly with homophobia and LGBTQ issues, I think society's changed pretty drastically over the past 20/25 years. Casual racism and homophobia was far more acceptable in the 90s than it is now. And that absolutely shouldn't be used as an excuse not to continue that progress.
  10. Just my viewpoint but I'd disagree with that. Folk on the left tend to think the media is right-leaning, folk on the right tend to think it's left-leaning. Aside from a few exceptions, I think society and the media have probably moved a bit to the left, on social issues anyway, and that's probably contributed the increased noise from the gammon constituency of the population. Particularly the middle aged ones, they're from a time when as long as you weren't an outright bigot, holding gammony points of view was considered the norm. The world's shifted and they haven't so there's always going to be increased friction there.
  11. That's certainly possible although the normal flu season in Texas, at least, seems to be October to May.
  12. That's a bit of a stretch. Firstly, we don't know the extent of the seasonality of Covid-19 so saying "the fact that it is seasonal" is nonsense. It's warmer and more humid in Sao Paulo in June than it is in Edinburgh. So it can hardly be the traditional seasonality factors that's causing the difference. Also, the US is seeing rising rates smack bang in the middle of their summer. There are so many other factors going on at the moment with countries being hit at different times, to different degrees and taking different approaches, it's absolutely wild to try and draw out these kinds of seasonality conclusions at the moment. It seems a reasonable bet that there will be a seasonality to Covid-19 because that's what we see with similar viruses.
  13. The virus is being suppressed at high speed towards to the point of elimination but MASKS MUST BE MADE MANDATORY!11!!!
  14. Well the IDF is also a fairly well known example of a military force which brutalizes civilians.
  15. Yes, because goat fucking is an action though isn't it? You're not necessarily a goat fucker just because you typed out the words "fucking a goat".
  16. Fucking hell. Is just being aggressively stupid a point of pride there?
  17. The Cherry thing is like when folk were losing their minds about Jacob Reece-Mogg becoming leader of the Tories. It's just never going to happen.
  18. The exchange is basically: Liberal pensioner: "Where's your white hood?" Conservative pensioner: "White power" Liberal pensioner: "You hear that? white power" Not that Trump isn't an enormous fucking idiot for retweeting it and in general but I'm pretty sure it's not a 'white supremacist' video as it seems pretty clear the old guy is being sarcastic.
  19. Wasn't it not so much attacking the IDF as saying that maybe the Minneapolis police department shouldn't be getting trained by the IDF?
  20. Mmm hmm. But if 80% of prisoners were black and black people only committed 10% of crimes. That would be something worth knowing and investigating.
  21. I have no idea what the difference between FF and FG is. The only thing you ever hear about them is they're both centrists but one is slightly to the right of the other. Is it not a bit mental to have two main parties with 50% the same name and almost indistinguishably placed on the political spectrum. What kind of people vote for each one?
  22. I'd definitely watch that.
  23. Everyone's met a Kincardine. Nobody treats them seriously in the real world. The same rules should apply for the internet.
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