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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. He's ex Killie coz he was signed as a player but is no longer there...........................
  2. Charlie joined at the same time as Mark Roberts, both having played in the same Kilmarnock Academy team. Don't think he started any games and left for Partick where his claim to fame was being quoted as the best looking player in the game. He played for a number of junior clubs before retiring and is now a PE teacher at the Grange. Really nice guy who I always thought would have had a more successful career.
  3. This suggestion has go to be a joke, right? Pish manager who pished all over is old club, appears to be a complete knob and may now be the new Messiah.................. Honestly, you couldn't make that up. Thought any mention, however tenuous of McLaren taking over would have been a real coup. Just when you thought that it couldn't get any worse than Seatgate, what exactly is going on a Tynie? Great club, great support, deserve better....................after tomorrow.
  4. which now brings the average age of our squad up to 17 and a half.
  5. Bloody seagulls were everywhere, even dominated the highlights. M.O.M yesterday, C.Gull.
  6. He was IMO played totally out of position at Sevco. He was signed from St Mirren because of his potential as a center half. He was a shite RB but I'm sure he will do a job for us at CF where he belongs.
  7. Looks like Jig's gonna put one on his chin,...,,mibees aye.............
  8. Typical Neanderthal behavioiur by the young H**ns. At least the older fans present had the good grace to look embarrassed and wishing they were somewhere else..
  9. I hear what you are saying, but there are many better RBs out there than him. As I said, would happily have him at CH tho. Grimmer or Hodson would be my preferences at RB.
  10. Broadfoot never has been and never will be a'good enough right back'. He was shite at Rangers cause they played him out of position. If my memory isn't playing up, he was a shit hot,up and coming, centre half for St Mirren and, if he signs, thats where he should play for us. NEVER right back. Would take any of the others tho.
  11. That's a whole lot of improvement going on there. The jungle has never looked better. Is that what was left after the SFA allowed the rangers fans in for a scottish semi final? Cant remember the year.
  12. Arseholes? Swearing you say? On P&B? Surely not sir. Just don't say H*n and you'll be fine.
  13. No chance, Skippy would have gone down looking for a penalty long before that photo was taken
  14. Old firm match, semi final, Hampden, 50,000 people present, millions watching on live TV , Aye right, no pressure.
  15. Until now I have had a great deal of respect for Brendan Rodgers but this latest outburst is below the belt IMO. As if there isn't enough pressure on the poor ref prior to an old firm game, he deliberately 'ups the ante' and piles even more on. Right enough the ref has had a couple of shockers but this stuff will certainly not help.
  16. Once upon a time, an unknown Ayr lawyer was offered a whole Premiership football club for a pound.....hard to believe I know, obviously just a fairy story.
  17. What a view from the new fangled grandstand behind the goal. How many grounds, even today, are you able to watch your team and have the good lady wife provide you with a wee refreshment and a blow job (at half time obviously). Brilliant.
  18. What do you expect. The 'experts' aren't expected to know about anything outwith the twisted sisters/
  19. This. Equally I would not expect our one toothed seaside cousins to stoop that low either. Just shows how vile the arse cheeks are that they can't have a healthy rivalry and distaste for the other side of the divide without resorting to the shameful songs sung by both of them. Absolute vermin.
  20. Depends if you're being serious or one of the ' scum, sub human, vermin ****. '
  21. Almost certainly an addiction problem. As I posted on kickback when it was originally discussed, claiming he has mental issues is an affront to people with genuine mental health problems. An absolute roaster of a man.
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