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The Equalizer

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Everything posted by The Equalizer

  1. You remind me of Michael Bluth in Arrested Development, getting up to sing afternoon delight with his adolescent niece and then realizing it was about shagging.
  2. So how much would the fireproof cladding for Grenfell have cost us per head? How many junior Doctors/Teachers could we train for £30 million? It's a despicable waste of money and anyone celebrating it should be taxed double.
  3. Do you mean to say that Swampy The Progressive Liberal is being less than truthful with us?
  4. No of course there isn't but you can gauge what you see and hear. You can say that the public outpouring of grief for Princess Diana was much larger than anything we'd ever seen before or since. I can confidently say the same about the Bulger case in terms of anger.
  5. This. That's where the public perception that these 10 yr old boys must be somehow more evil than an adult killer came from. It was obvious to me Throbber. People can't reconcile the fact that children can murder children and somehow the only way it can compute is to tar them as evil. There is no such thing as evil, killers are not born they are made. I read the transcripts and it was harrowing stuff but it still sounded to me like 2 very confused children talking about something they didn't really understand. If you haven't read it I wouldn't advise it and I certainly couldn't go back and read it again after becoming a father.
  6. In all seriousness though it's just my own perception and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  7. It's not the attention that confuses me, of course it was always going to be massive news. It's the hate that comes from the general public for the perpetrators of the crime, a hate which far eclipses that of many other child killers who weren't children themselves when they committed the crime. Maybe I wasn't as clear as I could have been, I was comparing the publics reaction in all 3 cases.
  8. No I think you will find I'm on the mark. As is our criminal justice system which is precisely why they are tried differently to adults.
  9. Apparent picture of him doing the rounds on facebook. Without a shred of evidence to support it no doubt.
  10. Then the problem is with the justice system and sentencing laws. By the route taken to get them out I assume you mean new identities? Someone can correct me here but I think the UK govt has only ever issued these new identities to 4 people so it's not as if they are being frivolous about it. No you are talking complete and utter shite. FWIW though, people who infect their partners with an STI and boast about it on an internet forum are worse than all of the above. That settles it then. Hang em high. Do I believe that a ten year old knows exactly the difference between right and wrong and the repercussions involved in taking a human life? No I don't and neither should you.
  11. I have never understood why this crime provokes such a vitriolic reaction. People get more upset about this than they do about people like Ian Huntley and Roy Whiting. When you compare and contrast you have on the one hand, two children who at that age couldn't have possibly comprehended the heinous nature of the crime they committed because they were, you know, children. On the other you have adult men who are abducting kids and murdering them for sexual gratification. Surely you would think that Roy Whiting and Ian Huntley would be higher on the 'evil scale' but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  12. @BigFifer You should put a disclaimer in the first post on the Nairn journey. Fucking rooting for you and getting no closure!
  13. I could imagine him being a inappropriate in the same way Alan Partridge would.
  14. It's so obvious when you think about it. Just give everyone a gun and no-one will ever shoot anyone ever again.
  15. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is elementary pupils with guns.
  16. Christmas is fucking magic and if you think otherwise you are most probably a miserable c**t the other 364 days.
  17. Instant is okay in a pinch but there's no excuse for it being your only option.
  18. Isn't Moka just for espresso though? Can you make a regular pot of coffee in it?
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