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  1. For those of you that aren’t ‘The Caley’ fans, you’ve got to admit, this whole saga is just hilarious.
  2. I won Daily Squardle #903 with 6 guesses to spare! Word found after 4 guesses: https://fubargames.se/squardle/
  3. I won Daily Squardle #902 with 6 guesses to spare! Word found after 4 guesses: https://fubargames.se/squardle/
  4. I was in school with him. He was one of the good guys. Brilliant at basketball, good at football, utter genius at submitting school football reports to the Courier getting his name mentioned in every sentence.
  5. I’ve never gone out of my way to be rude or disrespectful on here. What’s wrong with advising someone to stop being so angry?
  6. I won Daily Squardle #901 with 6 guesses to spare! Word found after 4 guesses: https://fubargames.se/squardle/
  7. My Dad’s car in the 60’s. Plastic seats. 6 hours baking in the sun at Nairn beach. Me and my two brothers jumping onto the back seat wearing shorts . . . oh the laughs we shared while we were getting our skin grafts.
  8. Weird? Compliment. Word salad? Looks like you don’t know what ‘Word Salad’ means.
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