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Robert James

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Everything posted by Robert James

  1. Third Lanark (Amateur) FC website states that the club intends to join the Juniors (no timescale), albeit as part of the club's long term aim is to become a senior club (again). Currently it has an excellent youth section, and the adult team is already successful the Greater Glasgow Premier AFL. Apparently Thirds are ground sharing at Vale of Clyde FC.
  2. Extra clubs for the EoSL has gone deathly silent on this thread. other than Dalkeith and Clydebank, with no credible rumours or feedback from other clubs holding special meetings (except Bonnyrigg) to discuss their future. So has the SJFA's pyramid options survey been successful in stopping other clubs from jumping ship for 2018/19, despite the rumour that the overall 'ballot' result was in favour of juniors joining the pyramid ?
  3. 1-1 so still a 15 point gap with one less game to play. City overtake Berwick on GD.
  4. Is it correct that the SFA Licensing Committee is meeting at the end of this month, and will the ground improvements be completed by then ?
  5. Sorry and well spotted, as I should have said, plus Vale of Leithen (not Cowden) who I am tipping to be relegated (along with Hawick RA) as the 'knock on' 2nd relegated club from the LL into the EoSL, after the Blue Brazil lose to Cove in the SPFL play-off. This also assumes that Cove will defeat the LL champions (probably Spartans or East Kilbride), in the HFL/LL playoff, which I consider to be likely.
  6. So speculating based upon expressions of interest (past & present), the 6 or 7 new EoSL clubs could be: Dalkeith, Clydebank, Bonnyrigg, Bo'Ness, Kilwinning, Haddington (juniors) and Cowdenbeath (if Cove Rangers win the SPFL relegation play-off). Does anyone know of any other declarations of interest , or impending EGMs ?
  7. This could be a wise insight into the future. With many small/lower division junior clubs struggling to survive, a return to local leagues would seem to be a logical outcome. These realigned leagues could remain within the scope of the SJFA, and have an option to join the (enhanced) pyramid feeder leagues at tiers 6 & 7, but only if they wished to do so. Dual membership of the SFA and SJFA should be discontinued, with clubs given (say) 3 - 5 years to become licensed. thereby enabling them to stay (or join) at tiers 6 & 7. Enclosed grounds would be required for all senior clubs, and floodlights would be "a must have" at tier 5. Of course, to make the above work, a WoS senior league at tiers 6 & 7 would be essential.
  8. The EoSL would like to return to 2 divisions, and if the number of East Junior clubs applying to join in 2018/19, is 3 or more, it is not inconceivable that some of the weaker senior EoSL clubs (which have no immediate intention or possibility of obtaining a licence, and are getting beaten by large scores) might choose to be placed in the EoSL second tier. This scenario would open up the possibility that of some of the junior applicants(if they wished) could be slotted into the EoSL's top division for next season. However it seems unlikely that more than 3 junior clubs will apply now for next season, as there have been very few credible rumours ('leaks') to date., and the EoSL deadline for applications is only a few weeks away. Unless of course the SFA steps in, using the SJFA results as an incentive for acting now ! I think I must have had a few drams too many.........
  9. Helpful response thanks.....andI look forward to seeing Wigtown back in action
  10. Good news for next season. Also I notice that Wigtown has retained its SFA licence despite taking a year out. So its back to the Scottish FA Cup in 2018/19. Newton Stewart now have an entry licence. Are any other non-licensed SoSL clubs preparing to follow suit (eg Heston, Bonnyton, etc) ?
  11. I agree. Whilst Duns ground is good, results this season suggest that the team is still too weak for the EoS at present.
  12. In addition to the Juniors scenario, Wigtown & Bladnoch are likely to rejoin the SoSL, and Balintore are seeking a return to the NCL, both in 2018/19.
  13. Very interesting. Does anyone know how and when the SJFC results will be published ?
  14. A "score draw" about the Cup title, but does this minutia matter ? No. The real issue is that the current 'consultation' with Junior clubs about "pyramid options" closes this week. Does anyone have an advanced feedback or rumours ? Also, have I missed any feedback from Clydebank's alleged ballot of members about the clubs future in the juniors or seniors ?
  15. So there are some alternatives for City, if the new stadium development fails to provide a suitable facility.. However in the immediate future, the club need to look at the wording of their existing lease (assuming it hasn't expired ?), as the Council could place itself in a breach of contract situation, by intentionally and knowingly forcing City to lose its status and potentially close down. One for the lawyers.
  16. Promotion is currently compulsory in England, down to step 8. Cinderford Town wanted to remain in the Southern League Division One (West) and refused promotion to the Southern Premier. They were given a choice, accept promotion, or by relegated to tier 9 (Western League). They accepted promotion. Also, next season compulsory promotion is being extended by the FA to step 9, much to the regret of most Northern League clubs. However I agree that Scotland isn't England, and given the smaller size/level of support, and location of Scottish non-league clubs, and I therefore agree those BELOW the HFL and SLL should be permitted to refuse promotion to Tier 5. However, this raises the question as to whether or not, clubs declining promotion at Tier 6 (or below, if the Juniors join the pyramid) should be excluded from the SFA cup for the following season, or (even) have their licence revoked/suspended ?
  17. Do the "senior" non league clubs really want all of the Junior leagues to be slotted into the pyramid, and would they support such a proposal ? Unlikely ? Where will the SPFL clubs stand on the establishment of a nationally integrated, top to bottom "pyramid" structure, requiring compulsory promotion and relegation throughout (not just play-offs) which would be the inevitable outcome? By comparison, what proportion of the Junior clubs will want to commit to a "pyramid", which would be a feeder league to the HFL & SLL, and ultimately to the SPFL ? Probably not many in the West and North, and a few from the East. Whilst the results of the survey will be interesting, the outcome will be indecisive, which raises the question, will the SFA take positive steps to determine and implement an integrated structure, or will it give way to existing vested interests and be content to allow the present 'drift' to continue ? Or perhaps there will be a split within the SJFA itself ? The next few months should be very interesting.
  18. I think it is obvious that the SJFA sees this as a way to "halt the flow to the EoSFL". I hope aspiring junior clubs realise this ! Also whichever Option is favoured, the document must make it clear that promotion from tiers 5 & 6 is compulsory for ALL licensed clubs. Otherwise Junior clubs can commit to the pyramid, solely for the purpose of gaining entry to the Scottish Cup. If the SFA agrees to incorporate the Junior Leagues into the pyramid, it must also resolve the 'other' North problem, ie incorporation of the NCL into the set up. Two of the last seven clubs which have been elected into the HFL have come from the NCL (Wick Academy & Fort William), and if they were relegated in future, there would be no way either could stay within the pyramid (nor Brora) as the North Juniors is not a viable regional/financial alternative. NCL clubs like Thurso FC and Orkney FC are based in towns with decent sized populations, and have good levels of support, and whilst they are not seeking HFL membership at present (nor are Golspie), who knows what the future holds? However, the main point here is that the current 9 NCL clubs are located in an area not geographically covered by the North Juniors. (NCL club Alness Utd applied to join the Juniors a few years ago, but were rejected). An integrated senior/junior pyramid, which excludes clubs from the highlands & islands north & west of Inverness, would de facto exclude one large area of Scotland.
  19. 4 champion clubs competing for a play-off with 1 SPFL club, and still not promoted if they lose ! If this was introduced, the 10th club in the SPFL would need to be relegated automatically each season. Can't see this happening.
  20. Helpful extract from the constitution, thanks. So not a "closed shop", but not a fluid "pyramid" either. Promotion rules/criteria within the pyramid from the EoSL and SoSL to the Lowland are clear, whereas promotion to the Highland League is by 'grace and favour' voting only.
  21. 10th February 2018 SCFA Challenge Cup Round 2 result Wigtown & Bladnoch 1 Lochmaben 5 Does anyone know if this a one off match, or an indication that W&B are intending to return to the South of Scotland League next season ?
  22. Oban Saints ? Rothesay Brandane ? - but a WoS feeder is a non starter without key Junior clubs participating.
  23. Yes the 2x10 is a fall back position agreed between the SFA and the HFL, should a 'highland' club get relegated from Division 2, whilst a 'lowland' club gets promoted to the SPFL. Hence this part of your statement is factually accurate. However the proposal put to the HFL AGM (at that time) was the implementation of 2 x 10 with immediate effect, as an alternative structure. It was voted down ! The HFL has not stated that if an 'extra' club applies, say Banks or Golspie or A N Other, that it will elect a 19th club and split to 2 divisions., and I am not aware of any published, or minuted decision to do so , should a Junior or NCL club apply for HFL membership If you can produce anything substantive, to the contrary, I will admit I was wrong. Otherwise we must agree to differ. I wish there was a north pyramid below the HFL, but there isn't. I also wish there was a West pyramid feeder, but if you read the above thread about Talbot and promotion to the SPFL, sadly I can't see one happening in the foreseeable future either. Regarding Banks and the HFL, watch this space , if Cove Rangers win promotion.
  24. Yes your post is accurate stating that no North junior club has applied to join the HFL since the pyramid was formed. I guess everyone who reads these posts knows that ! Here are some important points which you may have missed : 1. there is no pyramid in the North, so you can't apply join it (it is currently a closed shop)> Licensing is time consuming and expensive, and pointless at present 2. the Highland League has had "no vacancies" since the pyramid was formed, so there has been no point in any club applying to join it 3. the SFA has imposed a maximum number of HFL member clubs (primarily to avoid a fixture pile up at the season's end, thereby causing potential delays and uncertainty around the HFL/SLL and Winner/bottom SPFL club play-offs). The SFA wanted the limit at 16 clubs but the HFL rejected this, and the SFA backed down 4. five North junior clubs have left the Juniors and joined the senior HFL since 1985, filling vacancies which the HFL created. This drift from junior status to seniors has not been mirrored in the West or East Regions (until Kelty) 5. had the HFL decided to form 2 divisions of 10 a couple of years ago, how do you know there would have been no applications from Junior clubs to fill 1 or 2 of the vacancies ? I don't. 6. Banks O'Dee also applied (in 2009) to leave the juniors and join the HFL, but were the unsuccessful club and not elected. The club was allegedly livid at its rejection ! We will see if the Chairman of Banks O' Dee's current view (as reported) that the club doesn't wish to join the HFL, holds firm, if an HFL vacancy is created by Cove Rangers gaining promotion this season to the SPFL. You may of course be right on this point. Interesting though !
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