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  1. That makes even less sense than your first post mate ha!
  2. Plus if he is that clueless why would he be down as the obvious replacement for manager of the most successful ayrshire amateur side of the last ten years? Makes no sense ha!
  3. Think mark is a decent lad but because he is a decent lad I dont think he would touch it with a bargepole. I cant see anyone wanting it and I believe they will end up packing it in
  4. The premier league will be a non event this season. Shortlees will run away with it
  5. Gilgannon is back at HT already. Signed for Kibride for approximately ten minutes
  6. The shambles at senior level is all about self interest because of the financial implications. That comes first before the actual good of the game however I dont see where self interest comes into it with ayrshire committee?? Theres no financial gain involved in how they split the leagues. Their only thought is fixtures by trying to ensure leagues arent finished too early or late. They cant win because they wont ever please everyone. Someone will always have a gripe. People come on here and moan but I have been to my fair share of league formation meetings and no one says a dickie bird. They just patiently wait on the cup draws. The 2a and 2b leagues turned out to be disastrous but I was at that particular meeting and I recall just one person who expressed his views against it and it was unanimously voted in! They ask for input but very rarely have I seen any given. The next agm and league formation meetings will be the most important ever and let's see if there's people who will help the committee out with ideas. I wont be holding my breath. They will wait till afterwards and then take to a forum for a swipe at how big a c**t of it they made
  7. You dont know it's a minuscule risk. People of all ages have died thru this virus, from new born babies to the old and infirm. The world has been locked down as a result of this so it must be serious enough to us all. We all want the world to return to normal, we are all struggling in one way or another but why put hundreds of people at risk to kick a ball about a park before we are sure it's ok to do so? We all miss the football but why rush back, run the risk of infecting hundreds more and then find ourselves back to square one again?
  8. I can't believe people actually believe the amateur game has a chance of returning this year. We will be lucky to be playing at this time next year. Amateur football cant possibly return until theres a vaccine. Leagues at senior level with millions of pounds at their disposal have no idea when they will return so how on earth can we possibly play at amateur level? Its simple....if you cant get tested then you cant play, manage, officiate etc
  9. Best 10 I've seen play ayrshire amateur 10. Pele Quigley 9. Mick O' Connor 8. Ryan Farrel 7. Billy Mason 6. Ryan Caddis 5. Linny 4. Joe Gold 3. Mick Mullen 2. Rab Roberston 1. Keir Knapp
  10. His name has been flung about at more clubs than just thistle these past few weeks. The first signing thistle will make from new farm will be their manager. From what I hear the majority of new farm are joining up with big denim at Galston
  11. I'm sure morelos got an extra game ban this season for picking up X amount of bookings in one of the domestic cups last season
  12. It definitely is but the league had to do it. It's got to be about planning for the future of the game now rather than hanging on to complete one season
  13. Its frustrating but it's the right call
  14. Ayrshire afa have confirmed this mate not sure if it applies to all amateur leagues though
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