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RR #1

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Everything posted by RR #1

  1. Squad is far to thin to see us through until January especially considering our injury record. Joke that we are not making any signings.
  2. Love this thread. Never ever fails to amuse.
  3. Not really looking forward to sitting in among these smelly weegie b*****ds but will be worth it when we win 3-0. 'Mon the Rovers.
  4. Yes I get that it's tit for tat OF bullshit what I don't get is why our club is going along with it. If they said in their statement they were not happy about the situation and are taking the issue up with the SFA then that would be a bit more acceptable. I am pretty certain there is an actual rule that you must give x% of tickets to away team in Cup games? Yet here we are just taking whatever shite Celtic feed us and to f**k with any Rovers supporter who wanted to go. For me being stopped from seeing my team play in a major 1/4 final for no good reason is completely unacceptable especially when you consider there will be a bus load of dirty rats leaving kdy to go and support the opposition.
  5. Just caught up with the news about not being allowed to go to Celtic Park. The statement from the club has really annoyed me. They say the reason is because of covid guidelines in relation to match day redzones. What the f**k is that meant to mean? Busses leave Fife every week to go to old firm games and Hampden was full of people from all over the country last week. So I take it these guidelines and redzones only apply to Raith Rovers fans? The part about Celtic having to re-seat season ticket holders in the away is just fucking laughable. Working every Saturday atm so struggling to attend any games and was looking forward to this. Aye we'll probably get pumped but a cup quarter final is a pretty big for a club like ours
  6. Would have liked to have seen Keatings, Lang, McKay and Arnott get starts. Don't see the need for risking the likes of Bene, Mathews and Zanatta in this joke competition.
  7. Would take getting turfed out over getting through and risking more injuries. Joke of a competition anyway.
  8. The guy on sky sports news just said 'Hibs WILL sign Dylan Tait from Raith Rovers' f**k right off Rovers
  9. That's really poor if we're not signing anyone else. There isn't any sort of proven goalscorer in the squad now Vaughan is out. Thought we might still have been in for a cm and wide player too. Surely we could have atleast afforded a couple of loans with the money from the cup run. Another couple of injuries in those positions and we will be in big trouble.
  10. That news is just the worst. Absolutely devastated for Lewis. Rest of the season is going to be grim if we are going to be relying on Poplatnik, Keatings and Varian in the forward positions.
  11. Pleasing result. Good to see Laurie Ellis is off to a good start in his managerial career.
  12. Surely he is not getting sacked yet? Its only 3 games in. You've got to at least give him the a couple of derby's first. Please .
  13. Good draw. Hopefully we can bring in another player or two with the money.
  14. It is hard to disagree with that. He obviously doesn't fancy keatings, varian looks useless, Riley-snow looks a Mendy/Claude Anelka type signing(not even a footballer), berra looks finished and Connelly and Dick look like they are far inferior to the players they have replaced. The only signing who looked decent was the one he said he knew nothing about when he signed. All that talk of pushing for titles when season tickets went on sale seems laughable now. The club have had a dreadful summer.
  15. Zanatta looks like our only hope going forward. Varian looks murder.
  16. I don't know what the point is but you had better get used to it. Happens at least once a match with him.
  17. The worst you've seen? Really? What age are you? 38. I remember all the kits since the late 80s mercat sponsored kit. This is definitely my least favourite home kit unless there is one I'm forgetting. Just my opinion of course and I wouldn't buy one even if I did like it so its pleasing to see its been well received by most on here. Hopefully it sells well as that's all that really matters I suppose.
  18. Don't mind either these strips and they are both away kits so you don't mind something a bit different with them but I would much prefer the home kit was only ever navy with white trim and white shorts. That today is honestly the worst kit I've seen the Rovers come out with though. Looks Sunday league quality.
  19. Hated the last half and half top and that one is 10 times worse. Worst Rovers top I've seen in 30 year.
  20. Can't believe some of the shit written here regarding Todorov. So we are going to chant cheat cheat or boo him everytime because he made a meal out of a challenge to try and gain an advantage for his team? Utter bs. We just signed Dario Zanatta ffs. People in glass houses etc. IMO people who boo him or chant at him and drag this on will just be bringing the club into further disrepute. Get a fucking grip. Morons.
  21. Agree Brewster 92-93 was awesome but he only played one season so for me it's got to be Mickey Cameron.
  22. Honestly can't think of any of these worse candidates to replace Hendry than Adam fucking King? I believe Hendry will be off but what the f**k does us having 5 centre backs signed have to do with Regan staying or not? Also the signing of two out and out wingers tells us 3 at the back is definitely not the formation SJM has in mind for next season.
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