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D Angelo Barksdale

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Posts posted by D Angelo Barksdale

  1. 2 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

    3) I was listening to a Brazilian commentator recently and he was talking about the rise of evangelical christianity in Brazil. Its very similar to the US model where oligarchs fund it all. It was his belief that the decline of trade unions in Brazil had played into the growth of the evangelical movement. Trade unions provided a social and community aspect which had gone amiss since their decline then the new churches replaced that for folk. Many of the new evangelicals were previously irreligious rather than Catholics converting, so he maybe had a point. USA is not Brazil so I don't know how well that theory carries over but trade unions definitely had a community role among the working class historically. Reprising that to some extent could provide alternative ideas to what these folk are getting in their churches.

    The decline of trade unions, not just in Brazil, but across the 'West' is part of a larger decline of civic engagement. Church attendance, (working) men's clubs, women's institutes, Scouts, political party membership etc. (Although some will buck the trend occasionally)

  2. 3 hours ago, The Golden God said:

    The amount of people I’ve seen today with Union Jacks and England flags in their name absolutely furious at people celebrating St Patrick’s Day is incredible. 

    This is probably the best part of the entire day.

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