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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Also, apologies to everyone for channelling my inner Jimmy Bell, I don't know what's come over me.
  2. There's some truth in this, but if not now, then when ? Sure, they've racked up some wins against bottom 6 jobbers recently, but it's the same side that were pumped by Prague and struggled to win the cup against championship dross. Now also missing a first choice CB. There'll never be a better chance.
  3. I don't understand the meek 'a draw is fine' mentality here from the Rangers lads. Celtic have won the lot and handed out quite a few humiliating beat downs whilst you were on your arse. Now the shoe is on the other foot with a chance to end the league early, you should be demanding that they take 4 or 5 off them
  4. The contortions you have to twist yourself into to back yer big pals Boris, Nigel and Jacob.
  5. But, seriously, no draws please lads. Either a narrow hoops win or an absolute fucking scudding and a lenny heads gone.
  6. *Inbetween eating giant mouthfuls of a massive shit sandwich laced with broken glass 'Ha ha, look at the silly nats, look at the clever government man telling them how silly they are'
  7. *jangles set of keys 'look at the shiny, shiny'
  8. Same position as last year. Mr Consistency. I also came 2nd in the worst category too last time, so unlucks to the haters and trolls this year. However, I'm now picking up more pointless 2nd prizes than Aberdeen FC 2014-18.
  9. A professional looking effort. Never knew Moonpig had a p&b alias.
  10. A frustrating 45 minutes ahead I fear. Mallan on for a few 30 yard pops at goal.
  11. Me taking the wee man to school (the only thing still open and functioning) in tier 16.
  12. This is all Jeremy Corbyn's fault is quite the take here imo.
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