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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. And how many bears on this forum now ? Used to just be Kincy, Benny and Knightswood with the occasional vistor being emptied for sectarianism or child abuse digs. Feels like half the Broomloan are in here now. No idea why there's been a sudden influx.
  2. Our xK ( expected kneeslide ) stats have been poor for a while tbf.
  3. I think we'll get pumped here tbqfh. 3-0 and damage limitation tactics from Ross.
  4. Throbber's elevation to both the political and moral compass of the pie and bovril forum really is a fitting end to 2020. It gives us hope and renewed optimisim as we move into the sunlit uplands of 2021. God bless
  5. Have you ever seen JK Rowling and Steve Bruce in the same room together ? EXACTLY
  6. I subscribe to the theory that Rowling only wrote the original Potter. She had a hand in the rest, but it was a team effort. My submitted evidence includes, her embarrassing retcons and the abomination of the Striker novels.
  7. Old man Danger replacing Kincy as the forum's resident alcohol enjoyer ?
  8. Rangers are clearly Slytherin. C'mon man.
  9. Some piping hot takes on this thread the last couple of days.
  10. Lol who's alias is this ? Defo a Yesser though.
  11. I usually take the Sadaam Hussein line. Bunker to bunker to bunker.
  12. Sakes man. I'm off to see if I can catch wee nippy jumping the queue in Greggs and bribe her to bump me up the list.
  13. You can understand the anger from the Rangers fans on social media. It was completely reckless from Sturgeon and they quite rightly would have expected a penalty to be awarded. It's unlikely, but only time will tell if it has a bearing on the title race.
  14. Kincardine looking at his potential outlay of 50 quid in charity bets.
  15. Patel is completely untouchable now. A woman who can do or say absolutely anything without the fear of losing her job or influence.
  16. Looking forward to some of this post-independence when we get some new parties. 'Thankfully we don't have the Tories anymore. Anyway, I quite like the Christian Democratic Alliance manifesto'
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