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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Kincy can run the Scotch Embassy in London for us. His constant descriptions of the Politburo as 'empty headed tartan gonks' will no doubt have the 'bastirt English' severely underestimating us in future negotiations.
  2. Like it or not, the government made the decision to prioritise children's education and the political constituency of working families over the hospitality industry and single folk who like to go for a pint. Was this the correct decision with regards to completely suppressing the virus ? Probably not. Was it the correct decision with regards to forthcoming elections and shielding at risk groups whom parents often depend on for childcare ? Maybe. It is what it is and I would guess that even with hindsight, they'd still pretty much take almost exactly the same path.
  3. You can also swap 'every other country' for me and 'the uk' for this thread.
  4. The success of Hughes' reign is entirely dependent on how many guid oanest laddies Rosh County have.
  5. St Liedown FC are an absolutely fucking great bunch of lads. Share a 2-2 maybe ? Then home for a quick w**k over Goodwin/Ross ?
  6. Meh. If the leader of the opposition doesn't have any, then why should I ?
  7. For 5000 phone calls I demand Sir Keith comes and meets me wearing jeans.
  8. Soft No voters listening intently to Starmer. Hardline British nationalists with their heads in the sand.
  9. Agreed. This is how you should react after limping over the line against a Championship side.
  10. That Kingsley penalty man. For a guy who can score class free kicks, that is just utterly criminal.
  11. I genuinely feel sorry for those in more rural areas with a low number of cases. They're going from Tier 1 to Tier 4 faster than Partick Thistle are.
  12. Not really. Having the pro leave voices inside the government, rather than outside the tent pissing in over the last 20 years may have resulted in a more moderate settlement, such as EFTA or a Norway style deal negotiated without a referendum. As opposed to the hard as f**k, titanium plated, cliff edge no deal brexit that has resulted from a binary referendum, that nobody apart from an extreme minority wanted.
  13. This picture is from an attack by ETA in Spain, back in the day when the Basque lads were a bit naughty. Check how high they've launched that motor.
  14. They currently pay 40% right ? Let's bump that up to 50% for starters.
  15. I earn less than the average UK wage, so that would seem a bit extreme as that would be a hell of a lot of people. Given that I'm one of those people who think that 99.9% of people are arseholes, I'm sorely tempted.
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