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D Angelo Barksdale

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Everything posted by D Angelo Barksdale

  1. The Jambo lads on here completely forgetting that they've got Iain fucking Cathro in the dugout.
  2. "I've always watched British football and the style of play will suit me - it's more physical and you need to have a lot of fight in every game." Translation: "I may not be the most talented player, but I will fucking body anything in maroon"
  3. Andy Murray saw Hibs get beat a few times when he was younger ? Should probably just close the club down now tbqh.
  4. Genuine lol at this line. Great post btw.
  5. This. I like a bit showmanship but he's just acting like a bit of a dick tbh.
  6. I know. Thought the 'pope being hanged' would have been a stick on.
  7. Not going to hide my disappointment that this lady wont be appearing at ER this season. LENNON OUT.
  8. Can't be long until the day Kez finally comes out (no pun intended) for Independence.
  9. We've actually signed someone and Graham is leaving. One of my best days supporting Hibs tbh.
  10. In a way McSpreader is Brexit in the form of a P&B poster. A little bit racist, making an utter c**t of it with folk looking on cringing. Still carrying on despite all this as if nothing is wrong. Everyone pointing and laughing.
  11. https://stv.tv/news/politics/1393466-salmond-reveals-he-texted-trump-to-call-him-a-loser/
  12. Yeah, agreed. I reckon Whittaker will be coming in as first choice tho. He'll be on a big wage (for us).
  13. That's Scottish Cup winning goalscorer Captain Fantastic to you m8.
  14. Stonewall riots: McSpreader just out of picture on the left McSpreader (behind camera) out on the campaign trail with Harvey Milk.
  15. Forgot about Boyle tbh. Stokes up front on his own with Swanson and Boyle either side. Pennant and Murray off the bench.
  16. Potential line up: Marciano Ambrose McGregor Hanlon Whittaker Stevenson McGinn Bartley Swanson Stokes Church Subs: Laidlaw, Fontaine, Gray, McGeough, Pennent, Murray, Shaw
  17. Pennant will surely only be in to make up the numbers. If we're going 3-5-2 he'll only play if Swanson is out.
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