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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Agreed that it seems strange. Have there been any boundary changes ? This of course is a strange election with Brexit and IndyRef2 heavily influencing voting. I'm also beginning to suspect that the collapse of the UKIP vote isn't all going towards the Tories, with perhaps some former Labour voters drifting back due to Labour's pledge to implement (an albeit 'softer') Brexit.
  2. We all got to go sometime. Why not go out with a bang ?
  3. I'm 6ft tall. Tallest girl I've been with was about 5'10. Wouldn't mind some Amazonian goddess type chucking me about like an empty tracksuit tbh.
  4. Yes, I too find the rising levels of poverty and inequality, xenophobia and neo-fascism barely disguised as right wing populism as 'extremely amusing'.
  5. Fair play to you m9. That's a shitload of things to get wrong in just 2 paragraphs.
  6. There's an Opinium Scottish subsample showing SNP 46% Labour 26% Tories 22%. I have no idea of the numbers involved in the sample.
  7. I find the Far Cry games hit and miss. No. 3 the best. This looks good though.
  8. McSpreader really is the poundshop version of Oaksoft.
  9. Shame, seemed a nice chap. Some of his Bond films were good, a bit too cheesy for me though. Apparently enjoyed a bit banter on twitter. Seen this earlier ...
  10. I think that was always the way you were going to see it. Either that or you didn't watch it at all.
  11. Moving on from McSniveller's bizarre accusations and admissions. We're heading closer to a de-facto North British Nationalist Party. Utterly obsessed with flags and referendums. http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/807423/Nicola-Sturgeon-Ruth-Davidson-oust-SNP-coalition-Labour-Lib-Dems-general-election-2017 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/davidson-calls-for-holyrood-alliance-of-unionist-parties-dqf9xjgpj http://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/tories-may-form-labour-coalition-to-oust-snp-from-holyrood-1-4452436 The Scottish Conservatives have drawn up audacious plans for a “grand coalition” in which they would govern with their Labour and Lib Dem rivals to save the Union. Sources close to Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Tory leader who has been emboldened by the rise in her party’s fortunes, believe she could lead such an administration — putting opposing ideological differences to one side in what they consider the national interest. “Our bottom line is the preservation of the Union,” said one source close to her. “It is time to start raising the prospect of a real pro-Union alternative to the nationalists.”
  12. Guys full daily allocation of greenies will no doubt be getting used up in this thread today. The feeling from the time of Sir David's header to about 5 minutes after the FT whistle is something that I will never forget and will never experience again. The sneeky feeling beforehand we were going to do it. Stoksey on fire. The comeback. That header. Battering the ****. What a day. What a team. What a club.
  13. June 1974, Nixon visits Saudi Arabia, a month later impeachment proceedings kicked off. Just saying
  14. Surprised at McSpreader here tbh. His posts are usually balanced and nuanced. We can all be guilty of a faux pas though. Tell you what, apologise to Cerebus and the rest of the board for being a complete roaster and we'll forget all about it.
  15. That's not how I recall it. Crawford perhaps, but Hibs wanted to keep Brewster, Pars offered him more money.
  16. *counsel President of the US and he can't even fucking spell. It's the beginning of the end, although it's probably going to get pretty messy.
  17. https://www.buzzfeed.com/jamieross/this-party-is-standing-for-election-because-the-snp-isnt?utm_term=.vuVBmKO30#.sa6l9MjJy SNP not pro-indy enough for you ? Vote for the Scottish Independence Referendum Party IMO I kinda feel that the SNP have already cornered this market.
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/17/donald-trump-presidency-media-coverage-russia-scandal “Look at the way I’ve been treated lately, especially by the media,” Trump said on Wednesday during a speech to the Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut. “No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly.” ^^^^^ actual tears
  19. Perhaps I worded it wrongly then. Victims have the right not to tell anyone about their experience if they so wish, including the DWP.
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